Monday, July 12, 2010

Whats in the box?

The other day Catherine had mentioned that she was sending me a package here at Leatherrneck. She had put together some items that I needed and was going to send them out on Saturday. I know my parents also were asking if there was anything they could send me. For them all I could think of was a clip on fan for my bed. Lastly my in laws, had spoken to Catherine about the same subject.

As Catherine and I talked about what I needed I really couldn't think of too much that I wanted. My mind was sort of blank, but not quite. The thought that the only things that I really wanted and needed could not be put in the box.

We keep boxes full of stuff. Our houses, our storage closets, the pantry all is full of things that matter to us in some ways but does it matter to us in the depths of our heart? Is the stuff in the box in the basement what you would want sent to you if you were away? Maybe the pictures, and the love notes you kept from your spouse, but what is it about them that keeps you holding onto them? Is it not the emotions that you feel when you read them again?

So what we all really long for is the emotional aspects of our lives. Most stuff fills our temporary gratification. Some stuff reminds us of times and places and things we have done. Few things bring deep feelings of love and happiness, the emotions of our lives, few things really truly matter to us.

What I would want in my box is the love that sent it. The caring that so nicely placed the other stuff their. The time that it took to package it all up. The tenderness of the writing on the card. The anticipated joy knowing that I will recieve it. The hope that I will like it. The peace that comes from knowing somone sent it. What comes in the box is not the stuff but the stuff that casued the stuff to be in the box.

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