Monday, July 5, 2010

What a difference a day makes!

Yesterday I was in the middle of a small city, today I am camping! KAF was modern in comparison to Leatherneck however from what I here Leatherneck is safer.

Leaving KAF yesterday I saw one of the best sun sets I have seen in a while. To the North of KAF are some mountains and from the airfield there is an unobstructed view of them. So we sat on the flight line, just off the wing of the C130 we were going to fly in and watched the F-18's and Drones take off. Something to see from 200 yards away, with know ear plugs. The flight was smooth, sat in a canvas seat, in my flack jacket, next to a fully outfitted Marine returning to Leatherneck. Boy did he look like he had been in the field a while.

This was the first flight where I ever sat looking at the rack full of parachutes over my head. normally you wonder about the little oxygen mask that is tucked somewhere above your head that you are supposed to get on in an emergency. Parachute is quite a different thing. Trust me, the flight crew does not politely explain the emergency procedures for use either. So I wondered, what would I do? And I wondered, and wondered...

When we landed at Bastion, the Air Base next door we disembarked of the back of the plane. Except for a few lights it was very dark and there was no way of seeing very far. Here you carry your own bags. No porters or anything, so next time I will travel lighter.

The temp room is a small 5 X 8 section of tent. Bunk beds and not much else. No ammenities and nothing to write home about, I know, I am writing about it.

When I woke in the morning I realized i was not in KAF anymore. Dry, flat, windy and dusty. Nothing like before. My permenent room is not much bigger than the temp room however the AC does not work as well so I guess it will help me to aclimate better to my environment. I will need to get the carpenters to build me a desk and a closet, maybe even a chair as there is no of that in the room. I will also have to buy my own light. I believe this is a well concieved plan to get us to work 24/7...

On the bright side the food is better than at KAF. They feed Marines well as i heard that they move on their stomacks. The people are good and I have met my new boss and started to discuss my job. I will be in charge of moving the Yard from the current site to the new site in the transition phase. OK.

I believe God provided me a training ground last week to get me ready for this. If I had come straight here, under the condition I was in, I would not have made it over the hurdle. He is faithful however and this morning, the man in the office where I called catherine from, saw my Bible and explained that he also was a Christian and that there were many of us here. I told him that I would like to sit with him and pray and do devotions in the morning once I got settled. He was pleased.

I think about all of this, all that is happening and it is sureal to me. I am experiencing things that I would have never before. My Lord has brought me here to grow and to deepen. he has remained faithful to me, and I am trusting Him more every day. I feel that my strength is in Him and Him and as time progresses it becomes more clear.


  1. Mike
    Glad you are there safe. Maybe the plan all along was to get your feet wet in KAF and then the REAL world. Got Skype back up so maybe we talk later.

  2. Each time I Write, I'm Aware of The Likely Chance My Words will Seem to Not Deliver My Thoughts Adequately. Except that I Have Not been to Your Particular Location, All You Write of, I've Traveled Many Times. I Like riding in, C17's. They are a Neat Addition to The Aircraft Fleet. The C5, I hope You Get to at Least One Time Travel On. Wow, It Is Huge & powered like a John Deer Tractor. I can Here your A/C in my head - low running, cools, but not much. Just enough to take The Really HOT Out of The Air. I Do Recommend you remember, MASH & How Getting on The Radio & Asking for what was wanted or needed, or Bartering with some local, was/is A Big Part of The Supply System. I can see in My Mind, A Really Cool Desk & Chair... And Some Other Items, maybe somethings special too: Just Sitting Someplace For YOU MIKE. I always found many things & options/doors, make them self known soon enough. Meet the supply guy or whatever... Maybe A Cool, Built to Order Desk is Just Waiting to Be Built.

    Once you arrange your PO Box or finish orienting yourself, Some State Side, here, will send You Boxes of Girl Scoot cookies & Granola Bars (or whatever). Heck, if I did not have a Mail Box Here to Check, of My Own, I'd pop Over to McDill AFB (CENTCOM) & Bring You A Box Personally, courtesy of being retired & Privileged that way. You let me know if you need that desk OR a Lazy Boy & I'll Get it On The Next Supply Flight to Leatherneck (dust covers & No Wax Pledge, included) I bet By Now, Dust is Part of Your Blood Supply, having seeped through your skin & now forever part of your DNA Chain. Acclimation takes on a whole new meaning in that dust (Nano-micro-earth)

    Well, Keep Your Leatherneck Up & Cheers, Jeffrey

  3. Hey, Mike. No meeting tonight (Monday). It's hot here, 93. Bet you have a chuckle over that!
    Your writing is good. We enjoy your adventure from the safety and comfort of our living rooms. It sounds great what God is doing. It inspires me to think about what in the heck I am doing here. (or not doing).
    God Bless!

  4. Gary,

    I heard from Steve that there was no meeting, when I called him. He had just dosed off. It was ok as I got to speak with him for a while.

    Glad you are enjoying the blog. I am glad that this has become a way for me to help in discipleship at BCC and beyond.

    Maybe it is the Holy Spirit and not just the blog that is making you think that?

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. Gary,
    Called steve and he told me that you had cancelled. It is ok as I spoke to steve awhile.

    I glad this this is motivating. I believe that in a way I am still discipling from here.

    I will never again feel as if there is something to hard or inconvienant for me. I have to walk everywhere. I spent an hour in the yard and I look like a used swifter mop and I couldn't swallow because my throat was so dry.

    We have it pretty good, even when we have it bad!

  7. Yes, it's the Holy Spirit and He uses things like your blog! ;-)
