Saturday, July 17, 2010

A Day of Rest

Today is a day of rest. I have been getting drained by the continious heat and the late hours the last few days. Because of the late hours I have not read, or written in two days and this has caused a little of a blaa feeling.

We must keep in continious fellowship with each other and the Lord because we leak, here Iwe even dehydrate! It becomes very difficult to get refilled and to have the fellowship that we need. I feel it deeply if I have not had my quiet time with the Lord.

Today will be a day of rest, a day where I reach for Him because I need Him so.


  1. A man who meditates on the word of God, who finds delight in it, is compared to a tree planted by streams of water. (Psalm 1) As someone wrote, when it speaks of being a faithful follower, there is no talk of speed. Ever see a fast tree? A busy tree running around here and there?

  2. David,

    Thank you for that wisdom Brother. I am glad you wrote.

