Sunday, July 11, 2010

Random reasons to visit Leatherneck

Ok, this may not be what I usually write but I thought I would give it a shot.

It is like Camping, all the time.
You get to dine out every meal.
The laundry is free.
You get out of doing any yard work.
You don't have to worry about what you are doing on the weekend.
Every day is a day at the beach.
The grit on your teeth is better than tooth paste.
Time seems to stand still.
The tree huggers left due to boredom.
The weather is consistent.
You don't have to worry about any traffic.
The mirrors in the bath room are stainless steel so you don't notice so many imperfections.

Anyway, it is not so bad. It has it's good points and bad points. Ultimately it is what you make it. If your mind collapses, like mine did a couple of weeks ago, you will get beat. If you realize that you could have it worse, or that some do have it worse, than you begin to move through and succeed.

I rely on the fact that He has brought me here and that ultimately, when I complete this, I will be stronger for Him. My eyes will have been opened and my heart changed. In James 1 Verse 2-4, it speaks of perseverance bringing maturity. I can hope in that truth, I challenge myself with that truth.

God Bless you all.

PS - Kevin Thompson, Thank you for listening to Him.

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