Thursday, April 21, 2011

Your Just Sheep.

"We all, like sheep, have gone astry; each of us has turned to his own way; and the Lord has laid on Him the inequity of us all.

Isaiah 53:6

Inequity - Gross immorality or injustice, wickedness. Grossly immoral acts, sin.

We have all put things in our lives that, if looked at honestly, are not good. I read once that as soon as we sin willfully we have lost our childlike inocense. We no longer have that free pass and become accountable for our actions. Like sheep, it is our nature to wonder, to wonder from the Creator and the path that he set us on. As soon as sin entered the world, we have gone astry, and gone our own way.

Gross immorality, our nakedness and lust of flesh. Injustice, Kane killing Abel. Wickedness and immoral acts our hearts prone to things contrary to what God would have us do. We make excuses for such things, dumb down the impact, descided that we are not as wicked as the next guy, when in fact we all ride in the same boat. For anything that turns us away like the lost sheep is a venture on our own and away from God. There is no margins here, accountability to God in the end.

There had to be correction, a way to come back to the fold. The lost could not stay lost, it would be neglect by the shepard, God could not forsake us. But God is just, as a father is to a child. There must be some penalty for disobediance and sin or else no justice exists. As through all of history God has required payment for sin, for the wickedness of man. The covering for Adams sin, the skins of an animal, blood spilled.

As the shepard loves the sheep he is willing to stand in the gap between the costs of wondering, the danger of being alone away from the flock, Jesus stood in the gap for us, between our sin and safety, between the world and God. John 10:14-15 I am the good shepard; I know my sheep and my sheep know me -just as the Father knows me and I know the father - and I lay down my life for the the sheep." Christ loves us so deeply, he loves God so deeply that in that love he was willing to be obediant and sacrificial. To fullfill the justice required for you, He would die to bring you back from your wondering.

Matthew Henrey in his commentary on this verse states, "by his suffering he purchased for us the Spirit and Grace of God, to mortify our corruptions, which are the distempers of our souls." He has done for us what as sheep we could not do for ourselves alone. The good shepard sacrificed once so that each of us did not have to suffer ourselves. Gods Justice dispatched once and for all.

I understand that some may baulk at the notion of penalty for sin, Gods justice. We don't understand how a good God can allow bad things to happen. We apply often our own stadards to what we think God should be doing, rationalise so that we feel comfortable. But God spoke through His word for centuries, millenia. Sin must be paid for, there must be penalty to have justice. The lamb slaughtered for payment. Innocense for wickedness. You can not think that acting in sin is good. You can not accept lust but then condem murder. There must be a stnadard for us, a guidpost for our independacnce to be kept in check. Jesus Christ.

He is the Good Shepard. He was willing to die once for all, and make the return of the lost simple. He saw the benefit for the flock, when He went in love to ide for it's sin. He went willingly into hell so that we would no longer live under its darkness. He was scurged and beaten for you, so that your guilt and shame could be removed. He purchased Gods grace for each one of His sheep so that they no longer would fear, but have a way back. John 27-28 " My sheep listen to my voice; I know them, and they follow me. I give them eternal life, and they shal never perish; no one can snatch them out of my hand." Those who chose to hear the shepards voice, become His.

If you live in darkness, your life a never ending cycle of diappointment and shame. If you see much sorry and pain and the joy is hard to come by, not easily grasped and held onto, your are the lost sheep. You have struck out on your own and in your unwillingness to submitt and hear the voice of the shepard you walk in your iniquity, you graze in danger. You express your freedom, but breath your lonliness. Accept Jesus Christ and what He has done for you. Allow His sacrifice to pay for your life. Allow His love into your heart and give you the Spirit and Garce of God.

Lord Jesus, the Good Shepard of all, i ask you today to convict the sinful of their lives. To realize what they are doing and who they have become is only going to lead to eternal death. You call your sheep, all of them, and when they hear your voice the will be saved. You are Lord and Savior and I want all to know you as such.

Sinners Prayer - Father, I know that I have broken your laws and my sins have seperated me from you. I am truly sorry and now want to turn away from my past sinful life towards you. Please forgive me and help me avoid sinning again. I believe in my heart that your Son, Jesus Christ, died for my sins, was resurrected, and is alive and hears my prayers. I invite Jesus Christ to rule and reign in my heart from this day forward. That the Holy Spirit dwell in my heart, and help guide me each day. In Jesus name I pray, amen.

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