Saturday, April 9, 2011

The Battle.

I am writing now in almost despiration! I sit and am in such a hurry to get out what is inside at this moment. I am in a battle and I know that I must fight and claw my way through or I will not move forward in any kind of victory.

I will start with this, that satan is shrewed at attacks at opportune times. He seeks to find just the right moment to place doubt and fear into you. To cause you to stumbble and then have remorse for a failed walk. This may sound dramatic but tell me this, why would twice when I entered my room this morning would I have the overwhelming feeling of fear? Why would such powerful anxiety set in at the moment when I was preparing to sit and finish my reading and then write this blog? Why would it settle the moment I, in a panic left my room?

For those of you who doubt that satan is real. For those that believe that evil is only part of my faith. For those that do not believe that there is one who has dominion over this world and only wants us to live just the wrong side of obediant to God, I am sorry for you. You live in death and will remain in death, unable to overcome your eventual eternal death. He is real and this morning I felt him near.

I will not pretend to say why the attack today. I will not speculate as to what thing was meant for me that if I just fell into a hole and cried all day would have not happened but I do know that I must fight. Do not dismiss in your life the working of the Spirit. Even you unbelievers are given opportunities from the Lord to know Him and to see His blessings and don't think that the evil one doesn't know this also.

I learned a while back here in Afghanistan that I must rely on the Lord to see me through each day. Once I set in my heart that I would give all circumstances to Him I have fared much better. I also learned that on the days that I felt these attacks, when I knew what they were, always, something marvelous was in store. That the Spirit i8n some way would show me His wonders if I let Him.

The prince of this world is real. He is set on our destruction. For Non believers, you are not a threat, you offer nothing that he needs to fear. Yes you may do good things, but you do not set in your heart truth. You do not accept the Lord Jesus Christ as your Savior. Your actions are good but your heart remains hard. For the believers who are stationary, he only keeps a close eye on you. The moment you step out, then watch out, then you may threaten his plans for the rest. For the ones who walk in the light, that wittness to the Lord Jesus Christ, to the one who has gone to the Cross and claimed victory for those who believe in His name over satan. For those that move and therefore may bring a soul to this saving faith, you are the threats. You are the targets for his wrath. So if you fear, sit still and he will definately leave you alone.

Yes this places me into the cattagory of one that walks in His wittness. Yes you may say watch out Mike your Pride will get the better of you! Well to you I say, so what, I am in a battle right now and I fight the evil one over this day. My pride is in the power of the name of Jesus and in that, in this writing I have victory over him who would attack me this morning. That is the marvel of His name, satan can not defeat us, he can not over come that power and therefore I can stand and as an Child of God, and use with athority the name of Jesus.

I don't know if this spoke to any of you, but this morning I write to rebuke him. In these words was my battle over the attack that I felt so real. I wrote against him so that I could sit at my dek and work, so I could live, so I could wittness to Christ without fear from him who would destroy or anything else. Take this Blog today for what it is worth. Maybe even take it to heart. If you don't know Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior, you are a fool, and your life is in eternal pearel. If you do know Him then stand firm, live in hope, and know that His name will save you.

Lord Jesus Christ, by your blood I rebuke any evil that may be lerking around me, or my family, or the ones that I love. By your spilled blood you have given all victory over sin and the dominion of satan here on earth if they choose to accept it. I stand on the walls of the fortress of my faith and inside these walls are all the things that I claim in your name. I protect these with your word and my life. In Jesu precious name I pray. Amen

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