Sunday, April 17, 2011

Galatians 3:20

"The life I live in the body, I live by faith in the son of God, who loved me and gave himself for me."

Galatians 3:20

Discipleship takes on many forms but the main purpose for the Christian is to emulate Jesus Christ by following His example. I know that many that look at Christians believe that we act "Holier then Thou" or we think that we are perfect. The steriotype is that we walk around with a smile on our face, almost ignoring the world around us, thinking that somehow we are above the rest. I assure you that this is not the complete and accurate picture.

We are, as disciples asked to "follow Him" and to have others "follow me" as I walk. We are to be lights in the darkness, salt that causes thrist for truth. We are asked to be something different even though we have no inherant differences then the guy standing next to us. We are called, to repent of known sins, to be forgiving, to love unconditionally and to do this in the name of Jesus Christ wherever we go.

The ultimate part of this Discipleship is to love unconditionally. To above all things care for those around you so tremendously that you are willing to give yourself for them. Notice the word for, not to, but for them. Jesus is our example, we are to follow Him and in that we are to die for those that we love. Die to what we are in order to lift up and glorify God in our life. This sometimes can be the most difficult part of our discipleship.

I continue to work out my discipleship, my wittness. To loojk at my life and evaluate it against what the Bible, what Christ has taught me. Today I am working out my love against my relationship with my wife. She is my gift from God, my partner, the one who I love to death do us part. But is this love the love that Christ has shown us? Is it that perfect for me? Out of any other thing on this planet, my wife is the one, who before God I made a cvenant to love. In that she should have the best part, should be the standard to which all other things compare my love to.

There should be no difference between how I treat my son, in love, then my wife. There should be no Brother, that should be held in better regard then my wife. My outpouring of Christ within me should be at its peek when it is equal to what I will show my wife in love. God made no distiction between you and me, when Jesus was hung on the Cross for us. He did not show love any more to one then any other, we were all made equal in His sacrifice. No discrimination as to how the gift of salvation can be recieved. It was not made too expensive for anyone, it was made free for all.

So in looking at this, my Discipleship, my love I am evaluating this, how is it that sometimes I put things before my love for my wife and others as I walk? How is it that I can accept the gift freelyfrom God yet I can so easily forget that gift? How can I love more? Would I be willing to die, so that others would live? Would I be willing to give up that which is not consistant with love, so that it has no power to overcoem my love?

It is easy to accept Gods love and Grace but so much harder to place in your life and let it rule every descsion you make. It is easy to say that you love, but truly feel and act in love at all times is near impossible. Some of you think this Christian thing is easy! I continue to place a sin between my wife and I that is in no way consistnat with love. It actually, as related in the Manly Man conference, a form of not trusted God in the gift of my wife that he has given me. The sin in essence is saying that there is something that even briefly I want more then what God has given me.

Because of this, it has caused me to think, to wrestle with in my mind, this; there is no greater love then this, that a man lay down His life for another. How far would my discipleship go? I am obviously drawing a line at this point of sin. I will love up until a point and then I can't do it anymore. Laying down of my life, sounds wonderful in a small group, but I can't give up a specific failure? A hypocrat would say it did not matter. I could blow it off and just ask forgivness, but that would be cheap. Lay down your life for another, that is not cheap.

So as I wrestle, I understand that this may not be easy, but it is necessary for me to do whatever I have to to work through and past this hurdle. To move to a point where the love for my wife, and the glorifing God in honoring and trusting His gift, takes more president then the satisfining of my own selfish heart.

Here is a little after thought for you guys out there who are married, or even have kids. What are the things you say about them when they are not there? What do you blame on them in your life, a struggle, something? What things do you do that you would not eagerly do when they are with you. These are the things that are not done in love. These are the things that you must not cheaply overlook but dig out at the root so that you truly are loving those around you. Don't speak of Jesus sacrifice for you but then not be willing to give the same to others. That would not be honest.

Today marks the beginning of Passion Week. The days from here through next Sunday define our faith as Christians. There is no other time better then this to feel the sacrifice that Jesus Christ made for us, and with that reflect on what you are willing to do for others. Follow me as I follow Jesus.

Lord, we are in such a battle. give us strength to stand on our beliefs, to live them, and be them. To defend them always even when it means we must change ourselves. Let us not only pick the easy battles, but run head long into the hard. Circumcise our hearts and minds until the are fully and honestly following you, so that we are truly loving as you loved us. Amen

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