Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Psalms 116:10

"I believed, therfore I spoke, I am greatly afflicted"

Psalms 116:10

Makes sense! I guess you could not believe and speak also but then you would be a liar, if you were speaking as if it were truth. You could also believe and not speak which would then call in to question your beliefs, or at least your convictions. I believed, therefore, because of that belief, I spoke.

Ever say to yourself, "boy, I wish I had said that"? Kicked yourself afterwards that you did not speak your beleifs to someone, for what, fear? You should not let these moments pass by without considering the reasons for the hestitation. The "why" for the lack of confidence. If we beleive something then there should not be any reason why we would fear! Fear comes from doubt.

Now this doubt could be doubt in ones ability to communicate effectively. Doubt that you may have all the information. Even doubt that you are not as srtrong in your knowledge as those that you may be wanting to speak to. I wonder if John the Baptist ever felt that way when he was walking around telling people to repent and baptising them? We see that Moses did, but once he had a little confidence boost then off he went to Pharaoh.

Here is a question that just came to me. In your small groups, somone telling a story about wittnessing to a non Christian, is that a regular event or a rare and elusive occurance? If it is not a regular event then your small group may need to push themselves a little harder for stronger relationships with Christ. We should be compelled to speak the Word, to save the unsaved, to at least even Prasie Gods name in public, but remaining silent unless everything is just perfect in the moment is not right.

Set in your heart that you believe. That you believe and that you will be faithful. Be assured that God pronmises to watch over you, to keep you. He gives His counselor to guide you always. He will work all things for the good of those who love Him. Also set in your heart your faith. If you have doubt work it out, question, pray, talk about it and don't just zombie around the church thinking that someone will be mad if you have a question. Dig! But set in your heart that if you believe it, you will speak it. Anything less and you are cheating yourself and Jesus.

Lord Jesus, may my belief grow so strong so powerful that I will shout from the rooftops your name. That the only fool is the one who does not believe and does not know you as Lord and Savior. The I may be greatly afflicted every opportunity that you present me. Amen

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