Sunday, April 10, 2011

Rules, We Don't Need No Stinking Rules.

"13Enter through the narrow gate. For wide is the gate and broad is the road that leads to destruction, and many enter through it. 14 But small is the gate and narrow is the raod that leads to life, and only a few find it."

Luke 7:13-14

The Faithful, the believers in Jesus Christ have heardthis one before and you are probably saying to yourself right now, what is he going to add that I haven't heard before? Probably nothing, is my response. I am actually thinking of those people who do not believe what the Bible has to say, what Jesus said during the Sermon on the Mount. Those that quite frankly are doomed to eternal destruction because they believe that any way is the right way because their idea of God has them believing that.

Now how come in so many areas in our lives we want order and structure, we want things spelled out for us plainly and simply but in the matters that may have to cause us to change or ways or views we want to do it our way, or at least have freedom to choose. For instance, sports. There are, in every sport a set of rules that have been determined so that everyone understands what is expected of them when they play. The conduct on the field is determined inadvance and if the conduct is not upheld then their are penalties assessed to the team or player who broke the rules. You even see the drunk fan getting pissed off when the rules have been broken.

How about the Rules of the Road? Very specifically were are told what we can and can't do while we are driving. Every aspect of these "Rules" are spelled out in the Motor Vehicle regulations. When we don't follow the rules the the Police have the right to enforce a penalty against the motorist who violated rules.

One more area, how about the rules in your house. Here is where it could get a little more personal. As we all know, there is somone in the house that will set the standard of conduct. Those people living in the house are expected to follow the standards of conduct of that house. If the standards are violated then the Head of the Household will impose a penalty or punishment on the one who caused the infraction.

Now I am sure that up to this point not one person has disagreed with the idea that there are standards of conduct, rules, regulations and such that we all have to obide by in our lives. Each one of us goes about much of our day without even thinking about them to much. Yes there are some that we can't help but see and adhear to but others we have to chose to obey.

For instance, the Traffic Laws. We are constantly reminded of the speed limits, seat belt law, passing requirements, many of them. Now if we chose to obey them is a different story. So why when it comes to our faith, people are so willing to say that the rules that have been established don'tmatter. That yes, the Bible says that Jesus Christ is the way, the truth and the light but yet we can all worship how we want and that is ok?

Now I will speak specifically to those of you who believe in God, but then apply your own views to what the requirements of heaven will be. To make it plain to the text, the wide and broad gate people. You are the people that acknowledge the rule maker but deny the rules. You believe that as long play the game half good then you will be ok because at least you were in the game. Are you not still breaking the rules.

If you acknowledge that there is a God, the Creator of the Universe and everything in it. Then why would you deny His standards of conduct? We tend to want to define the rules of Spirtuality to suit ourselves but will not accept the same when it comes to sports, driving or our homes. We know inherantely that God exists, but you would determine that your descisions are better then His at any given time that it suits you.

How many times have you heard someone say that it doesn't matter what you believe as long as you are a good person? "Officer, I know that the speed limit was 55 mph, and I was going 80 mph but I am a good person. Whoever determined 55 mph really doesn't care that I go that fast. As long as I lived my life ok!" Sound like it would work? How about trying to tell the Umpire that you are not really out becasue you tried really hard to be good? It doesn't sound right here in this writing and it certainly doesn't sound right to God.

Now you can argue with me about beliefs all day long and which group has it right or not. I come at this from the Chritian point of view. But lets look at this a bit. When a muslim murders, does he not believe that he is good and doing right? How does it make you feel to see this? You probably just moved away from the wide and broad philosophy a bit. Is the gate that wide to allow the murders belief of his goodness into heaven? See, our goodness, your goodness is arbitrary. I t will even change based on stages of life. What Gods word has done, is set the non arbitrary standards for which to live by. Like all the others however, it is up to us to follow.

Now I am probably running on a bit here, I lost my thoughts a couple of times with interuptions so let me try to wrap it up. It really comes down to this, if you believe that there is a God then you must believe that He has a standard for us. It can not be the wide and broad road or there just would not be a standard. So you must be honest with yourself and agree that you can not determine His standards for Him because the would not be His then. So what do you do?

I will tell you this, because the choice is your ultimately, that there is not one thing in my life that has not gotten better by following the example of Jesus Christ. You may say that I have changed and given up alot, but you are wrong, I have gained in all respects. The standards that I attempt to live by, God's word, the narrow path have all brought me to a better place. As for the gate, that is my faith in the death burial and resurrection of Jesus Christ and the saving works He completed on the cross. That gate is narrow and the standards for access are the same for everyone.

One final thought, just because I always like you to know where you are if not in the Lord. Satan is the caretaker of the wide and broad path. He have you believe that the narrow path does not apply, that the rules are restrictive rather then freeing. He have you believe that you are perfectly within your rights to chose the rules that apply and those that don't. He is even the one right now who is making you think that I am just a Jesus Freak, touting my faith, fire and brimstone. He is right in one regard, we all have a choice.

Lord, from the wrong perspective the small gate and narrow path seem so difficult to those who do not have faith. The broad path, oh how they take comfort in it as it leads to their destruction and death. Have them see that you are a loving and caring God and that your way is just and holy. That any who confess you Jesus as Lord and Savior shall pass through the small gate freely and without burdon. In your name I pray. Amen.

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