Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Matthew 23:15

"Woe to you, teachers of the law and Pharisees, you hypocrates! You travel over land and sea to win a single convert, and when he becomes one, you make him twice as much a son of hell as you are."


Harsh words. Yes! Accurate even today, I believe so.

I heard somone say once that Christians are the only people who shoot their own wounded. That if you show weakness, or sin, or something contrary to what the rest of the congregation sees as appropriate, you are done. There is no room for grace and forgivness for those that are already saved, that is only reserved for the lost.

It is a shame that undoe restraint or conditions are place d on time of fellowship, small groups or discipleship. Constraint that are not in anyway reflective of what Christ did for us. Constraints based on one persons or a few peoples notion of what would be best but when you look at it it is not. In fact sometimes it can be as above, Pharsitical and damaging.

Now I don't want to infer that Christians are going to hell by this. Note, the Christians that do go to hell weren't really christians to begin with. What I am saying is that we must keep the proper perspective on the rules and obligations that we place on people when they come to the church, or you, to find and live in Jesus Christ. Above the Pharisees are winning people to their faith but then burdening them with restrictions and laws. Kinda of like saying come to me you poor child so that I may beat you. The church, us Christains must be consist in love and grace and forgivness through all cercumstances.

The purpose that Jesus sent us out with was simple. Go and make Disciples. Find the lost and bring them to Him. Have them grow in Him, mature and then they go and do the same. When it became about attendance, or knowledge, or works or anything else I don't know, but it is wrong.

If you are a leader in the name of Jesus Christ, your arms must be as wide open as his were. You must accept the lost, suffering, troubled, sick, busy, whatevers of this world in the same way as Jesus did. Unconditionally and with love. If you are not doing then that then read the above scripture again and then sit and reflect on what you can do better.

He forgave you, you should do the same for others.

Lord, open all of our hearts and let us see the hidden wickedness that my lie within. Allow us to change and move closer to your goodness, your forgivness, and your grace. We are only to lead to you as lights on a path. The work is yours. Amen.

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