Sunday, April 24, 2011

Easter Blessing!

"16Then the eleven disciples went to Galilee, to the mountain where Jesus had told them to go. 17When they saw him, they worshiped him; but some doubted. 18Then Jesus came to them and said, All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me. 19Therefore go and make disciples of the nations, baptising them in the name of the Father and Son and the Holy Spirit, 20and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age."

Matthew 28:16-20

Yesterdays Easter service was just perfect, I will actually probably remember it forever as one of the best that I have attended. Not that it was an overpowering sermon or spectacular music. Not that I had any tremendous revelation from God, nor, even though an honor for me that I was with all of the soldiers, but that on one side of me stood Navin and on the other stood Mohammad. Two men, that accept for a simple offer, probably would not have been standing there with me at that time.

Navin, as some may recall although it seems like forever now, came to faith in Jesus Christ back in September. A simple invitation to sit durning prayer time led to his descission to follwo Jesus Christ in his life, and leave behind his Hindu Faith of his family. He has been a faithful attendee to the Chapel ever since. He stood to my left.

Mohammad, has been my friend since I arrived here in Shindand. We have shared many things together and discussed aspects of our faith on many occasions. You may recall that Mohammad was the one who invited me to go to Eid (spelling) prayer after Ramadon last August. Along with 30 other Muslim men I went to the Afghan Mosque and watched this time of their worship. A few days ago, after my lunch time reading, I was given the thought to ask Mohammad to the Easter service as my guest. Without hesitation he accepted the offer and joined me yesterday. He stood to my right.

After the first song I was gripped with what those two men represented in my life. That if for no other reason for me being in Afghanistan, these men were standing by my side on the most wonderful day of our Christian Life. The day that our faith was born, and the hope was realized through Jesus Christ, Ressurrection Day.

For a Muslim, this very weekend is what divides our faiths. The thought of one dieing for anothers sins is outrageous. The idea that Jesus could rise from His tomb and that He was the Son of God is Muslim herasy. There is but one God, one single God and anything more was idolatry. For the Hindu also, this event became a statement of the narrow path, the small gate. Not knowledge, but faith.

Three songs were sung, for the life of me now I don't know what they were, and then the reading of the Word. Matthew 28:1-10 and then 16-20. Oh my heart raced as I prayed now, listening to the Great Commission. Go, and make disciples. I just thanked the Lord for the opportunities that he had given me here. That my life had been used in such a way that now here these two men stood. The reality of the Great Commkision, the scripture that was being read was right there with me. One being strengthed in his faith and one being challenged in his.

I will not be hard line on this as you have heard it from me before. Jesus did not give us a choice as to going out and making disciples of all the nations (or people of those nations). He said, go! If you are not putting yourself out a bit. If you are not letting your actions and words wittness to those around you. If you are not actively drawing people to the church, home study group, Bible study or whatever, then you are not trusting and obeying Jesus. He says that all authority is given for this task, that He will be with you while you are doing it, yet you still make excuses for why you can't. You still fear and make up a selfish excuse to cover the fear.

Challange for you all, open your small groups up and allow for invitations to anyone who may need to hear the word or be strengthened. Have faith in Gods word and allow it to work in the hearts of those around you. Be available to be used, without fear of rejection by the Lord that you call Savior. Give Jesus and the opportunity as a gift to those who need it. You are not afraid to give a card, so give Jesus. Make it something you seek and enjoy a=not run from and hate, you will be rewarded even if it is just simply by knowing that on one service, one Easter you were surrounded by thoses that you helped draw nearer to Him.

Lord, work in the hearts of all who may read this. For those that don't know you, that they may come to know you. For those that do know you, that they are strengthened and allow themselves to be used by you. Amen.

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