Monday, April 18, 2011

Is This Ok?

Yesterday I was sitting in my room (office) and a call came over the radio for me. Trans #1, Trans#1. Trans#2. I answered, "go ahead Trans#2 for Trans#1." "Yes sir, can you come to the office please." "Yes" I reponded "I will be there in one minute". "Yes Sir, could you bring your Bible with you please sir?" "Yes".

Now this shocked me. I would have never thought that somone would ask me, here, to bring my Bible to the office. What shocked me more was that it was Trans#2 asking. What was running through my mind was this was going to be some kind of joke and that somehow I was being put on the spot for something stupid. As I left I thought, I wonder which Bible he wants me to bring? My big bible or a small one so I asked "do you need a praticular bersion?" There was no response.

So anyway, I walk into the office to see Trans#2 standing near two other Expat employees. Immediately Trans#2 asks me this, "Doesn't it say in the bible that a husband and wife have certain obligations to each other and if the woman is not performing those obligations the man can go out and get it someowhere else? Now be honest." I was floored but pleased that I had now an opportunity to speak about the Bible to these three.

Now it became apperent that their conversation before I arrived was on this point. Trans#2 believed that this was ok and the woman in the room was stating tyhat it was a sin to committ adultrey. So I began, by setting the background for my answer. That God brought a husband and wife together to be one flesh, one body. That the union was a covenant before God of this bond and that each must trust God that this is the person that he has brought to them. It is also important that each person have a relationship with God so that the understanding of the union is complete.

"Yes, but doesn't it say that a woman has to do certain things or the man can go out and find it? May grandfather who was a Pastor told me that it was alright and the Bible said it was, if the woman wasn't performing." Wait a second I said, it is also important to look at that the bible does say that because the man and woman are one, their bodies in essence shared by the other that they do have obligations one to the other. "See", pointing at the other employee,"and if the woman doesn't do it she is wrong." Not exactly, the are both obligated one to the other but if one fails in this regard it is between them and God, it does not give the man the the right to go running around. The woman in then said, adultry is a sin and if you go out running around you have committed a sin. She was correct in that it is not ok to committ one sin because of another sin, there is no justification for this.

So I then spoke about what a man should do. That he should trust hat the Spirit is working in his wifes life and bring the matter to God. That he also should in his words and actions lead his wife to God so that she can work out what the issue might be. In any event the woman was right in saying that it is not ok, as far as I know to committ a sin because another committed sin. Adultry was adultry no matter how you sliced it. To this the Trans#2 said I am going to call my Grand dad. That is not what he said.

So this is kinda funny in a way but it unfortunately is the way this man thinks. It was obviously reinforced by something that his grandfather said , or he thought he said somewhere along the way. The good thing about this is that it was a chance to speak about God and the Bible to some that are obviously a little lost. I was also happy that they called me, because in some way I must represent the Godly man, or have some more authority to speak on such matters in their minds.

I guess I am writing this also becasue, unfortunately this is how some, probably alot, of people think. This is the world that we live in. Tit for tat kinda stuff. Areas where in one respect they want to apply the bible and then in the same breath deny the bible. The society that was founded on christian principles so easily has thrown them or away or at least distorted them to fit their own comfort levels.

In a strange way I am hoping that he speaks to his grandfather regarding this. I am wondering really what he had said.

Lord, convict the hearts of men who distort your word. Bring to them your truth and have them see that yours is not a restrictive path but and easy path for those who truly seek you. I thank you for the brief and unusual opportunity to speak your word. Amen.

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