Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Our Souls United Through The Holy Spirit

"16 And I will ask the Father, and He will give you another Counselor to be with you forever - 17the Spirit of truth. The world cannot accept him, because it neither sees him nor knows him. But you know Him, for he lives with you and will be in you." John 14:16-17

At Christmas time this year, Cathrine sent me, along with some other gifts, a desk calander with scriptures on it. Each day I can tear of one day and move on to the next. Each day revealing another scripture for me to ponder during the day. As I sit at my desk I can feed on God's Word. I also use this calander to feed others, to provide the daily scripture that I post on my Facebook page. Spreading God's Word to others.

What makes this calander one of the most precious gifts that I have ever recieved at Christmas is this. On Random days Catherine spent time writing encourageing statements for me to see. Not everyday but every few days is something written as a little treasure from my wife to encourage me through this year. I look forward in anticipation to pulling the page off in the morning to see if something will be on the next day from Catherine.

As Jesus was coming near the end of His Minisrty here on earth he began to assure the Disciples that they would be ok. That if the remained in Him, faithful, that they would not be alone. That the Father in heaven, He, would help guide and strengthen them as the continued here on earth. The father in heaven knew that believers would need constant encouragement to remain strong in the journey. The calander on my desk reminds me of my wife, of my family, of the purpose of why I am here. It represents love and grace, caring all the things that I need on a daily basis are there along with the notes. The personal thoughts, meant just for me to help me remain on the path.

Jesus tells the Disciples that the Father will send another, a Counselor to be with them forever. When Christ has gone to the Father one will remian with them, in them as believers. The notes from Catherine, the treasures, keep her here with me, conected to me, I can't help but see here hand on each page where I find the notes. You can't help but see the Counselor of Truth on each page of the Christians life, if they accept Him.

Todays note has inspired this blog, in many ways. Todays note is this, "Our souls are united through the Holy Spirit." A reminder that we are one, Catherine and I. Chosen by God to be together, one flesh. Chosen by God to be married before the beginning of time, to know each other, one body. Once I accepted Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior Catherine and I fully realized the power of the indwelling of the Holy Spirit in our marriage. When Christ left the Spirit was given to all that believed in Him. As Catherines words say, our souls united, thus each believer united to the father, through the Holy Spirit. Catherine and I, the Disciples, are all united to the father through the Spirit of truth. We are also, as in our marriage, united to one another as we all as believers share this one, same Spirit. This is the body of the Church, this is the uniting factor as Chritians. This is the connection to the singular head, Abba, Father.

There is one more piece to this, as Catherines words are set as a reminder, to guide me through this year, as the calander reminds me of the Word of God, so the Spirit within me does. It speaks to me, moves me, reminds me of Jesus of God the Father. The Spirit of Truth dwells within me as this calander stands as a constant reminder. Warm, loving, special. Feeding, inspirational, connecting. Given in love, given to guide. The Holy Spirt, the spirit of the Word, the spirit of my wifes words, all there today.

Lord Jesus, thank you for the Counselor who has come to dwell in my heart to guide me to you. Thank you that the Spirit of truth unites me to you, to my wife and to all believers as one. Thank you that you have given me Catherine and she has given me this gift, as you have given this gift to all who believe in your name. Amen

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