Sunday, January 23, 2011

Worship and Fellowship

May the Power of the Lord rain down, amen.
May the Power of the Lord rain dow - ow - ow -n
May the power of the Lord, yes from Heaven, rain down
May the Power of the Lord rain down.

May the Healing of the Lord rain down, amen.
May the Healing of the Lord rain dow - ow - ow - n
May the Healing of the Lord, yes from Heaven, rain down
May the Healing of the Lord rain down.

Continue along just changing the subject and there you have a simple song of worship! This one, and I may have written about before, if so I am doing it again, is from my Kenyan brothers.

I Love singing this song to myself as I walk around during the day. It has an easy tempo to it and the words I can remember so I think that is why I like it so well. I do have a slightly jazzy version that I cn do, but the other guys don't like it. Anyway, it is worship and sometimes that is all I need to set my focus again where it needs to be.

Yesterday, turned out to be a very nice day. I invited my friend Tyrone to Church which he was very pleased about as he tends to forget or be too busy to get away. He at I believe almost 62 is going to start seminary classes on line and then finish when he returns home. His church is actually helping sponsor him and will hold him accountable throughout the courses. So he is a good Brother and we often have very nice discussions to strengthen our faith. He unfortunately will be leaving in the next few days for a State Department job in Kabul.

Anyway we walked to and from church together and the weather was, again, perfect for it. This gives us some time to talk and fellowship before the service. Anyway, when we got into the Mayor Flex area (this is where all the Camp Services are, PX, GYM, Basketball Court, Chapel and Post Office) I saw the young Afghan vendor who has been around here for a while selling items to us. Probably not more then seventeen, he runs a good little business here. Anyway, as I walked up to say hi, he asked what I was carring. Of course it was my Bible and as he reached out his hand I rerached out the Bible and handed it to Him.

I love these moments! This si the second time this has happened here with me in this same way. I responded that it was the Jahil, the Bible. We had a brief discussion, I was able to wittness Jesus a little, and then we spoke of God and how some Nuslims andChristians memorize the Holy books. It was brief but what a way to boost the Spirits for me.

Tyrone, he was surprised a bit as I told him how I love those blessings. They appear to me as "softballs" pitched by God so that we can just smack them out of the park. I know that others would shy away from such encounters, especially based on the risks here, but not me here. It has become easier for me to have the conversational type interactions with people as throughout my time that is how the majority of my wittness has been.

So anyway, we went to the Chapel and enjoyed another very nice service from the Chaplin. He is Baptist, I won't hold that against him, and did his sermon on Communion and it's importance. He was so right about it being of our fellowship with the Lord and the strengthening of the body. Overall just very good and uplifting.

I saw Seth, and Richard, Frank all of my Brothers. It has become a good fellowship and it is always nice to be around those that you care about so much and who share their lives so closely. In light of the sermon it even ment more. There is you know the ever present air of change at the Camp and nothing here is permenate including these friends which makes each meeting one closer to our goodbyes. Richard and the Chaplin will be leaving in a month. Others sooner and some later but always changing. Can you imagine each close friend that you have only having at the most one year to spend with them. Some as little as six months. You learn to cherish each other quickly.

Anyway, we left the Chapel and walked to get some lunch and then back to the LSA. I walked then over to the Carpentry shop[ where the men were tasked to build a casket for a fallen Special Forces Dog killed in the line of duty. He will recieve Full Honors from the Military so they wanted something nice for the dog to rest in. Thankfully I was able to help with the build for the rest of the day, sanding, but helped which was special. The look on the handlers face when he cam to look was awesome. He was really happy that his pal would not just be in a cardboard box.

So as I said, the day was good. I kept a worship song in my head. Felowshiped with a friend. Wittnessed Jesus Christ to a Muslim man. Worshiped again and fellowshiped with many believers and ended the day doing something good for a Soldier. Great day.

May the Anoiting of the Lord rain down, Amen.
May the anointing of the Lord rain dow-ow-ow-n.
May the anointing of the Lord, from Heaven, rain down.
May the anointing of the Lord rain down.

Lord Jesus, may we learn to continually learn to be in worship to you. May our lives be in fellowship to other believers and our lives be a constant wittness of you. Praise God. Amen.

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