Tuesday, January 4, 2011


Today is my daughter Anna's Birthday. Next to my wife, Anna has my heart. As I think of her I am amazed at the young woman she is becoming. I thank God often for her as I pray. He has made her a unique soul with everything He wants her to be, individual and one of a kind. I would not ask for anything else of my daughter as she is my gift from God. I ask that He keeps and watches over her and that He becomes the guiding light of her life.

Happy Birthday Anna.
I have wrote about him often in my posts but today I will dedicate just to Him, Chaplin Johnson. The Unit that he is here with will be leaving soon and he may be leaving us even sooner then them as he has a medical issue that will require attention and recovery outside of Afghanistan. Because of the timing of things his return here may be difficult.

Big man, fit and tall. Shaved head and commanding voice. Perfect for the Army, perfect for us all. His delivery in his sermons is distinct, the syle fit for the situations. Flavored with toughness and sweetend with the love of Christ Jesus. I have often enjoyed the contrast of Worship in the theater of War. Guns and God, and a Chaplin that has strength and character, a Soldier for God and country and a tender heart.

I recall our prayer walks when the Camp was still small enough to walk in an hour, with time to spare. We would pray for each area of the Camp, for the Soldiers and Gaurds. Whatever or whoever we passed recieved a blessing. Some days we would sit and pray, fellowshipping together as Christians, speaking as husbands and dads away from family, leaning on one another through our struggles. Some days I would just sit with him and cry, and he would remain.

I recall the powerful day of song in the Chapel. Walking in to Chaplins arms spread wide open as he sand worship songs alone at lunch. I joined him now one voice becoming two. We needed not speak just sing to the Lord. In the moments Chaplin Sharpe joined us and two became three in common song. A moment that will remain with me, for ever.

Yesterday I was lead to go to the Chapel at lunch. It is not what my plans were but I have learned to listen when I have certain feelings. I walked and prayed and expected to see Richard sitting, eating food and waiting for anyone to show for prayer. I found the Chaplin in his office, he stood and welcomed me with a hug and a big "hello Brother".

I explained that I was lead to come over for lunch. I didn't know why, but I was here. Invited to sit we began to speak, to talk about his departure and to fellowship with one another. This man has depth, his life devoted to Jesus since he was young. He has lived for the call and struggled along the way. Large family and a loving wife, life issues and trust in the Lord in all things. Not jaded but real in who he is and where he has come from.

He spoke of what he would be leaving and the possibility of not returning. Of the men and woman that he would miss and the sense of responsibility he had for them all. We also spoke of how our lives as Jesus Disciples does not shut off here, every moment we are Christians. For Him he is a Chaplin also for the Unit that he serves and therefore he lives and works with these people. He is part of them always, this is different than what most Pastors would do.

We spoke about futures yesterday. What it might be for both of us. What we will do opon our return home, our ministry our lives. He is wise in this area as he has traveled a long road. Pastoring Churches, Corporate America, ministry in many ways before God bringing him to being a Chaplin. This makes him real and honest, knowledgeable. We spoke for what seemed hours, but only just one.

The Chaplin challenged me. Speaking to my devotion to Jesus Christ. As he said, we have have chewed on the meat, spitting out gristle and bone. The question is if you are willing to give everything for the work of Christ? Are you ready to abandon all that you now have and give it all to God and His calling on your life? He stated that if I was the journey would be amazing. This man not only asked a question but also gave insight into his heart. He has done the same.

This is the Chaplin, this is my friend. A true Soldier of God, prayer warrior, singer of Hymns, Shepard of His flock. He is committed to Christ and Country, family and friend and I will miss Him dearly until the Lord brings us together again.

I did not say goodbye to him, for that is Gods descision if it should be our goodbye. In the mean time he will remain in my heart as a cherrished memory of my time here. He has become my Brother and I will miss him.

Dear Lord, watch and keep us both as we continue on our journeys for you. May we seek your will in all things.

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