Thursday, January 6, 2011

Luke 1:80

"And the child grew and became strong in spirit; and he lived in the desert until he appeared publicly to Israel." Luke 1:80

I will tell you one thing, that being here in Afghanistan has changed me. It has changed me as a man, as a father, as a husband and as a Christian. I read this verse today and I could not help to think of my journey this past year. The changes that have taken place in my life that, like the child growing. I thought that is me, a child becoming strong.

Now I will try not to go anywhere near the idea that I am John the Baptist or Jesus but I will draw from the similarities of the verse to my life.

February 4th 2007, I was saved from death of my life while sitting alone in my car waiting for my Therapist to show up for our 1730 appointment. At that moment I met Jesus Christ personally and realized two things, the sin of my life and that Jesus Christ delighted in me and would save me. I cried my heart out, I still remeber looking at the sun and calling His name through my tears.

That moment changed me. You can ask anybody who knew me, I am a new man in Christ. Not perfect, but Born Again. I was a child and like a child I was in amazement at all the wonders of the Bible, all the wonders of the Spirit leading my life. The thirst for wisdom and knowledge and the pursuit of things that were pleasing to the Lord.

I became commited to being a Christian, in my heart and in my mind (yes mind). It was what I was and I was not ashamed. At work I told my men that I had been Born Again, that things would be different, and they were. Everything was made new in me and I enjoyed it.

In Novemebr of 2009, my heart overwhelmingly drew me away from the work that I was doing. Ministry was where my heart was and the pursuit of that would be what I would do. Catherine and I left this in Gods hands and earnestly prayed Gods will for our lives. I remember Catherine stating that we could very well end up on the street if that was where God wanted us.

I spent six months looking for work, trusting in where God would have me. I spent eight hours a day searching for jobs, anything. Ministry, industry, non profit, volunteer everything that I would fit into as long as I believed I was in Gods will. At the same time I began to pour myself into Discipleship and small group, meeting several people each week in Christian fellowship. I also spent those six months enjoying time with my family and children, time that I had never spent with them before.

So June 2010, the Job here in Afghanistan comes up through a contact of my fathers. It is a good opportunity and since I had been looking at Humanitarian Jobs and possibly working oversees, I actively persued the offer. I remember the night that that I had signed the agreement, I almost immediately stated to panic inside. I went to bed early and laid there for hours tossing and turning. Everything inside of me was scared. I had dreams of dieing and death once I did fall asleep.

By the end of June, after a one wek orientation in Texas I was landing at Kandahar Airfield. I believe it was one hundred and eleven when we arrived and we stood outside the TLS Recieving Building for what seemed to be an hour. The entire time in amazement as to what was happening.

This was a long way to get to the point that looking back, God brought me into the desert. My ideas of Ministry were at BCC in nice, quiet and safe Delmar New York. I was good at relating to people just like me. Middle class Christians doing Middle class jobs with Middle Class problems. Same as me, nothing different. Now I was relating to people of the world. My safe self was suddenly alone, and needing, as much as I could get, God.

My prayers, looking back, were answered by God. As tough as the road was, I now see that I was a child and God sent me to the destert to be strengthened in my Spirit. No longer was the leading of the Holy Spirit just something that I sought on Sunday. No longer was God the one I had to go to only in trouble, I needed Him always. In my life, in my work, in my wittness, prayer, this road has brought me closer to Him.

I love as I have not loved before. My heart has taught me so much, the pain that I have feltcause deep reflection of my wife abnd children. Who they are, what God has given me and how I must love them. I have written that I imagine that God loves me as I love Catherine, I can relate to that. I have learned what it means to "know" your wife. I know what it is to see the grace of God through my children, how I have had to reflect on what I was and now what God wants me to be to them.

In my professional life I have learned to be a servant, to be patient, to try to understand those that work for me. To know that in a short time I will leave here and the best I can do is make this place the best I can make it. To improve the poor standards and make this, my department, something different for the men who work for me. I have learned also that I can love people and lead people at the same time.

My wittness has also strengthened. I am assurred in the Word of God and stand on those truths. that, being the driving force in my life has brought about tremendous blessings. This has produced the most amazing fruit. I am not afraid of being a Christians and speaking for Him who has sent me. It is freeing to me and astonishing as I reflect opon it.

So this verse rings in my head. A child strengthened in the spirit. From inmaturity to more muturity. From milk to meat. The desert has provided much for me, it has caused more change.So into the desert Iwas sent and in the desert I will be until the day that I will leave this land and return to Israel. My plans will be for further Ministry my prayers again to remain in His will.

Lord, Continue to provide opportunities for me to be strengthened in my Spirit. Alow me opportunities to grow and to draw closer to you. Allow me to Glorify now and in my future.

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