"This to my Fathers glory, that you bear much fruit, showing yourselves to be my Disciples."
I have said, and believe, that we are in Gods will when we Glorify Him. That our purpose as Christians, as believers, is to Glorify Him in all that we do. Large or small, joy or pain, in all things to Him be the Glory. As we do this He will reveal His blessing to us, allowing us to participate fully in His plans. Seeing how remarkable our lives can be as we walk with Him.
Many times I hear people who will pray for Gods will on a subject for days and weeks, waiting for answers. They will state that they will remain still until they have clarity on a subject so that they know they are in His will before they move. They will look at all options, until the moment when they are sure of the answer and then the go, then they move. When things work out, then in His will they were, if not then they must have reacted to hastily.
To me this is too restrictive on Gods power. It is too centered on what I want and need. It is too safe and not based on absolute faith in what I believe of God. It is placing on God my need to be comforted before I move for Him, instead of moving for Him and then allowing Him to comfort.
This is the beuty of acting in pure faith. In only seeking to glorify His name as we walk each day. To Him be the glory not us! If we act in the faith that God be with us then as we walk He will reveal the blessings around us that he had in store. As we speak His name he allows us to be free of our burdons an be in the fellowship with Him. Glorify His name, give all things to Him, not waiting for a specific answer but just that you trust Him. In this way, my feelings are unimportant, my fear goes away, what I see as best is taken out of the equation as He then will the focus and not I.
When we, followers of Jesus, faithful believers in Him, move and live as Jesus has taught us. Out of love and grace for others then we are in essence being obediant to God, showing ourselves as different then the world, and therefore bringing Him glory. When we speak his name during times of stress and trouble or when we have accomplished a great task, we place the focus on Him, show our faith and glorify Him in those moments. Paul, over and over again teaches us this lesson from His life. All Glory be to Him.
Yesterday I realized, when I had gotten good and homesick, that I was being selfish. That I was only homesick because I was frrling sorry for myself. That I wasn't seeing or doing anything here now and I didn't understand what the purpose was for me. Then I began to pray. I realized my selfishness, that nothing in my pitty acknowledged His plans for me. It wasn't at all about what He may need me here for but only what I thought He needed me here for.
I began to think of all the blesssings so far that I have seen. I started to think about how much more I would Glorify Him if I finish this year then if I were to go home early. How much more fruit I could bear by Him pruning me here then if I just grow back home. My thought changed to thankfulness from pitty and in short time I was seeing His purpose again. My pride was abondoned for Him, not to my glory but His.
Jesus states in John 15:8, just after teaching of the Vine and the Branches, "This is my Fathers Glory, that you bear much fruit, showing yourselves to be my Disciples." As you walk as Disciples, work as Disciples and live as Disciples God sees His Glory in you. He sees your faith in His son Jesus Christ and He is well pleased. So pleased that as you walk He will watch over you. He will allow you into His experiences, and see to it that you see the plans that He has laid out. You will participate with God in His plans. He will allow you to see and produce much fruit.
The purpose of all this is that we are to die to self, become not of this world and its problems. To remove your pride and thoughts from the equation. To be a Disciple of Gods Son and use Him as your daily example. To trust Gods work, Gods plan and the finished work of Jesus Christ and with that know that you are safe, because you are His. Even in death, Glorify Him. Even in death.
Stop being hindered by your own thoughts of what is good or not good. What is a satisfactory conclusion that is easily followed to what faith realy means, following without seeing. Don't just act but live what you believe. Live knowing that God is in control. Live knowing that all you must do is Glorify Him in All that you do.
Lord, our pride causes us to doubt. We see pride in so many things but never in our aprehension to walk in tottal faith in you. We don't see our pride in not following the example of Jesus in His devotion to glorify you. Help us remove this pride and be obediant Disciples of the one you sent as an example. Let us in all things, glorify you.
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