Tuesday, January 18, 2011

This Is Your Day!

John 3:16 holds alot of meaning for Christians. It is probably the most widely used and known verse. You see it all over at sporting events and just about anywhere there is the possibility of the lost seeing it. I will rewrite it here for those that do not know it.

"For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believes in Him should not perish, but have everlasting life". John 3:16

For me this verse has some additional relevance in my walk. March 16th is the day that I was baptized by water in front of my Church. The day that I publically proffessed Jesus Christ as my Lord and Savior. On that day I also placed on my wrist a braclet given to me by the wife of the man who helped lead me to Christ which simple has 3:16 on it. That braclet has not left my wrist since and is a personal reminder to me of the power of Jesus Christ in my life.

I was saved after a very slow spiral of sin took over my life. I was saved after years of alcohol caught up to me and I crashed in mid December, the weekend of my wifes birthday. I was saved on February 4th, after recognizing, reading Pslam 18, that God delighted in me even though I had had all of the horrible things in my life. That through Jesus Christ alone and faith in Him I would be saved. From that moment on I have walked in full light of the Gospel of Jesus Christ and everyday pushed to live as Christ wants me to live.

March 16th, 3:16, therofore is my truth. In so many ways, it represents my conversion and walk, the Truth which I live for. In my mind this is the verse as I read it;

"For God so loved Michael, that he gave his only Son, so that Michael who believes in Him should not perish, but have everlasting life."

God so loved me. He loved me so much that Jesus Christ came and died on the cross for my sins, The verbal abuse of my family, the pornography, the drinking and anger, the swearing and luedness and hatred of others. Christ lives now with me as an example for me to follow, everyday. I walk with Him in His resurrection, as my baptism represented to the world. he lives and now so do I.

So today, as I tore off the Tuesday the 18th Bible verse from the desk calendar that Cathrine sent me it reveal a note. "This is your day"! and the verse John 3:16. How special of a gift that my wife has given me. She has also reminded me of what my walk ghas been and what God has done for me. A walk that has brought me here and that will bring me wherever He wants me to be.

Thank you my love for your rememebrance of the meaning for me of this verse. Thank you my love for your obediance to God and your participation in this journey we are now on. Thank you for giving this day a different meaning by your note.

Lord Jesus, may all who seek you find you. May they know the sacrifice that you made for each one of them by your attoning death on the Cross. May they accept and live fully with you by their side. May they also have everlasting life through faith in you. Amen.

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