Saturday, January 8, 2011

Matthew 4:19-20

"Come follow me," Jesus said, "and I will make you fishers of men." At once they left their nets and followed Him.

Now that's motivational speaking. Anybody would be happy in leadership if they could get that type of response from employees. Parents would be exstatic just have their children listen to their request with such heart felt conviction that they would just sit their toys down get up, and go do the dishes without any questions. Sure mom, this is my favoruite Xbox game in the whole world and I am at the most exciting part and I will just sit the controller down and go do whatever you ask of me for the rest of the day.

I actually think that getting your kids to do that would be a bigger miracle then wHat the Disciples did in following Jesus for the rest of their lives. Three simple words however are seen over and over in the Gospels and to me are some of the most powerful spoken. "Come follow me." Each time disciples are called, these are the words that are used. Not "please stop doing what you are doing and try this". Not "do I have a deal for you", "Come follow me".

So much is wrapped up in those words. Commanding, definate, mentoring, adventorious and changing. Jesus is spelling out Discipleship in His words. He is giving them opportunity. He is guiding them in new directions. He is calling them to change, to have dedication, to learn and grow. All from these three words.

How gripping He must have been. I almost picture Him saying this to the, at the time future, disciples. and just turning and start walking away. I picture the men standing there and looking briefly at each other in their stinky clothes and then glancing quickly at the Lords back and rushing to see who could be the first off the boat. You see, when you come face to face with the Lord, and He asks you to "Follow me", then you can't help but to respond to the call. the Lord knew it. the Disciples felt it. You see over and over again that each one, heard the call, dropped what they were doing and responded to the Lord. They came when called.

"Follow," if you are a teacher, a coach, a mentor, a parent you know what this word means. You are the example of what you want to see in others. You may speak alot but what is really learned are your actions. For a parent this is most true as you are your childrens everything. You are what they want to become in life. At least until they are Teenagers, then the y want to be the opposite for a while. If you are Jesus, you are the perfect example of what God wants us all to be. You embody the word of God, and therefore anyone who follows you will be made Holy.

So when Jesus asks anyone to "Follow" Him the moment is life changing. Fisherman to Fishers of men. Money grubbing Tax Collectors into soul collectors. Drunk, ausive husbands into loving fathers. Cheats into honest men. Good peaople into Godly people. You can not help but change, when you relly "Follow" Jesus Christ. You become, even while still just a child of God, a Disciple of the Lord Jesus Christ. You also become, every step more like Jesus Christs.

The teacher, when successful, can see that the student is learning what is taught. that the student bigins to see that fishing for men is more important then for fish. That being drunk with the Holy Spirit is far more rewarding then being drunk on wine. That being the example of Jesus to your kids and wife, brings more fruit then if you just want them to be like the imperfect you. Being a Disciple of Jesus, a Christian, places you in the position of the teacher. In your life, public and private. In your job, anywhere, you are the representative of Jesus Christ.

Jesus, sets the standard for the men when he says "me". He does not say to come follow this great new self help author that promises you material weath in your life. He did not say come and I will teach you how to follow the great philosophers of the past so you will increase in knowledge and wisdom. He said "me". Look at me while I show you God. Stick with "me" and you will do great things for the Kingdom of Heaven. I am your example.

He did not divert the responsibility to the Rabi in the synogouge. he did not expect that the Saturday school Pharasees teach their children about God. he did not expect that the school to raise the kids and instill the values. He took the responsibility on His shoulders, ok God gave it to Him, for these men. Jesus was the example and knew it, enmbraced it and called men to Follow it. He did not divert and he taught His lessons continually.

I will throw one more thing out, Jesus did not brush off and ignore those that did not listen to His teaching. H did not ignore the guy that was not tottally on board with Him. Judas was there from the start. Judas heard all the teaching and followed Jesus until the end. Jesus didn't hold back anything from even Him. I guess maybe jesus held out hope that this little money stealing guy might change His ways in the end. He taught the man that would betry Him as if He was any of the others. How do we fare in thatdepartment?

So ultimately Jesus not only taught these Flowers by His example His example is How we should teach. We have a perfect example to follow as Christians. We have been taught how to take stinky fisherman, cheats, and betrayers and show them how to change, through our example of Jesus Christ in us. It is not an easy read, but overtime the lesson can be learned. Christ is our savior, our perfect example of Gods Word. We are His disciples and by allowing ourselves to "Follow Him" and leaving all of the garbage at the shore line, we can change our lives. By then having others "follow us" we can change their lives.

Now like so many others you can choose to stay on the shore line. You can choose the calling or not. You can even be like Judas and listen for three years and still refuse the Jesus as Lord and Savior until it is to late and you have been condemed. But if you choose to "follow Him" then you will, and should, leave everything and follow with all your heart and not look back. When you do this not only will your life change, but so will the lives of all of those who you look to you as an example.

Lord Jesus, you have asked that we all leave evrything that we had, the garbage of our past, and follow you. You want this to be with all our heart, all our soul, all our minds, everything, not partly but completely. In turn you will make us Disciples and Disciplers, moving through this world as examples of you. May we do that fully and completely, to all who look to us. Amen.

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