Thursday, November 18, 2010

Stuck In The Middle Again.

Today I am dwelling on the fact that I am removed again from my home and Church. Just a little simple thing, the Annual Meeting, has got me thinking about what I am missing back home. It is strange right, who would miss an Annual Meeting? Heck most of the Church doesn't even show up for them and here I am 7,000 miles away thinking about how nice it would have been to participate again this year in it.

I would like to say also, the Church did not send me an Absentee Ballot so I may call for an investigation into the results. No really, I would like to congradlate David, John and Scott and Joe for their new positions within our Church. What fantastic additions God has given us. Be faithful to this calling.

The other thing that came into my mind is that it is difficult for me to watch any of the DVD's of the services that Catherine sends me. For some reason that really ties me into knots. I sit so excitedly waiting to catch glimpses of you all as the camera pans around. I tell Chandel if he is watching who each of you are, my brothers and sisters. "Look there's, Dale and Joy. There is my wife, she always sits there. I am usually next to her." On and on throughout the DVD. If it were a movie they would tell me to shut up. Mostly I do this because I want to be there, with you all.

Satan, stinks! He takes the littlest things and just rubs them in your face. Here take a look at this, see what they are doing without you. See life is just moving along without a thought as to anything else. Shouldn't they miss you also? Yes I do think that way sometimes! See he doesn't have to swing for the fences everytime, like in baseball just consistant base hits to get into scoring position. (Wow, a sports reference). Anyway, sometimes it is the little things that are the most annoying.

So with all this thinking about the little things it just helps pull me away from here, Afghanistan, where God needs me to be. I am stuck, somedays, somewhere right in the middle, like today, not here and not there. Limbo if you will. Perfect place for Satan to have me if I remain there for very long. Wallowing along in the woe is me state.

Don't get me wrong, it is not like it used to be where I was just in misery. See I am becoming better at trusting the Lord. Satan may still be there but I don't fall as far as I used to. In these instances my Armor has become stronger through practice and experience. I now know better than to think it is something that I am doing. I know better than to think that I am guilty of something. I know that this is my enemy and to defeat him I only need to look to the Lord.

You can pray for me. Thatis always good. But you can also take a lesson from this. there are going to be these little times when things just needle at you. You can dwell on them or you can dwell in the Lord. The choice is always yours. I would suggest the later it always will work out best.

Lord, thanks for hanging out and waiting for me while I worked this one out. We can go on about our business today together.

PS- This quote is hanging on my mind in light of the Annual Elections at my Church last night. "To delay or fail to make decisions may be more sinful than to make wrong decisions out of faith and love..." Detriech Bonhoeffer in a letter to Henery Louis Henriod, Germany 1934.


  1. I missed you, Mike. The minutes of the last meeting said "audio engineer: michael brougham". Made me think of you!

  2. Catherine had said the same thing in an email yesterday. I would have voted for all the guys anyway.
