Sunday, November 14, 2010

Just Another Sunday.

I missed Church last Sunday as I gottoo busy, and had a meeting that I had to go to at the same time with my Boss. Here things don't stop, and the weekend is the same as any other day. It is funny how everyday feels like Tuesday. Not as down as Monday and not quite to the half waypoint of the week to give you anything to look forward to.

Sunday is good because Church is something different in the day. I wish I could say that it was the most important thing but it isn't. Church is a good time and a time to see some of the Soldiers who I don't get to see too much anymore being on the West Side and they on the East. I appreciate coming and being able to sing also, I always cry during worship. But as I am here longer I realize what Frank has said many times before. Sunday is the show.

Yes, Sunday becomes a time of our Christian togetherness. A time for corporate worship and a sermon. But as I see more and more the true work is done in the field. Lives are changed and impacts made in my everyday life, not on Sunday. Come on and be real and ask yourself when the last time you saw anybody be saved on Sunday? When was the last time real change occurred during a Sunday service? It doesn't happen very often. Yes maybe a new insight or a challenge that will motivate you for a while but real change comes in the field.

I am seeing this more and more everyday. Discipleship, small group, small community that is where the people here are impacted. Probably the same for you, those that participate in such things, see it most also. So that is where the focus should be if we are going to impact lives, not in the corporate setting of Church but the personal setting of church.

So Sunday, however nice, is becoming just that. It facilitates a purpose but I don't believe that is anything more than an opportunity for the Church body to congregate and find purpose for the rest of the week. So in me I see a little less of a needful desire to make the church service on Sunday and moving more to the belief that I must have church everday to make a difference.

So ponder this Sunday what you feel. Bring it to the Lord for best results. But for real impact, you should rise everyday and ask the Lord for your opportunities to have church that day. Your opportunity to speak the gospel to one or a few. Your opportunity to change someones life through a day to day process of discipleship and learning.

If you believe thatSunday is the most important day then it only makes sense to make it everyday.

Lord, let us in all things worship and honor you. All ways and all days. Amen

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