Saturday, November 20, 2010

Hey Fool, Your Going To Perish!

For the message of the Cross is foolishness to those who are perishing, but to us who are being saved it is the power of God, 1 Corinthians 1:18.

So the obvious question is, what are your beliefs of Jesus death on the cross? The answer will determine if you are saved through the power of God or if you will perish because of your foolishness. Just your reaction to this last statement will tell you where you stand. If you thought something like, oh this is silly, or here goes Mike again preaching to me, then I will tell you are the fool and you will perish.

This is one of the hard truths of the Bible. There are no word parcing here. It is basically a pass or fail question. No in between ground for the unsure. God doesn't play that game of maybe's. He is dead serious with us when it comes to His judgement. He made the rules and He follows them to the letter.

See God really hates our Sins and our disobediance. He can't look opon it without disgust. Unfortunately He had to give us a choice or we wouldn't come to Him freely out of Faith. When left with this choice, like many of you who read this now, we chose our own rules. Their easier. The worst part about that is that we deny who He is when we do it. We may say that we believe in Him but our heart says differently. Ultimately it is what is in our hearts that we will be judged on so.

Jesus was given to us to do what we could not do. To be a perfect example to us to follow. To be what God intended us to be from the beginning. To be love. To be the innocent lamb that would be sacrificed for all sin. Jesus hated sin also, He was the embodimont of God. He went to the Cross knowing that this was the will of God. He knew that faith in Him and what He was doing would bring us Salvation. He knew that God would from then on only look at the work of the Cross and that alone. No longer would He see our sin, only Jesus.

So, to those that will perish. What will your descision be? Will you continue to ignore the work that was completed on the Cross for you. Will you continue to walk on your own? Remember these are Gods rules and Gods plan. Play by His rules or you might as well not play at all.

Lord, open the fools eyes. Allow them to see what God has given them, what you have given them, on the Cross. Show them the way to be saved through the power of your Father, the power of God.

1 comment:

  1. ~KISS - Keep It Simple Sinner~

    Jesus Shed Blood, Died on The Cross and Rose
    Again for My Sins of Today, Yesterday & Tomorrow.

    Thanks Giving Week, So Thanks Mikie,;-))j.xx.
