Tuesday, November 9, 2010

The Day.

Yesterdays post abruptly ended. As Catherine said it was like a cliff hanger and left her wondering what the rest was to be. As I looked at the post in the afternoon I also looked and wondered what the rest was to be. I could not remember how the rest of it were to go. So I guess at this point then, I will leave it as it is.

For the most part when I write I just sit with a general idea in my mind, or a story of an event and write it out in one sitting. I attempt to just let the words flow and tend not to tinker with it too much after I write it. I may go back and correct the multiple spelling mistakes, if I catch them, or tweek a word or two. For the most part however I just let it be as it should be.

On days like today I sit and write without any idea what I am going to write. I have done this in the past several times before. There are just some days when the Spirit is not moving me in any paticular direction. Or like today when, the days events from yesterday were not to eventful and there is nothing to "report" if you know what I mean.

We did recieve a Linde yesterday. This is a machine that can lift up to 45 ton shipping containers and move them around the yard with ease. It has come here in peices and the body arrived yesterday. This was some excitment as I had to get it unloaded from the trailer it came on. For a little while there I was actually busy as many things happened all at once. Anyway, we ended up driving the machine off of the truck which was a little nerve racking as the tires were only half on the flat bed so one worng turn by the operator nd off it would have tumbled.

Excitement over the day became primarily uneventful. See, for the most part it is all routine which after a while adds to the boredom if you will. I think because there is so much time that we work, and we work everyday, that you just don't have much to do. Once things here are set up and working correctly devations don't happen. You don't have to find new work or clients etc. Everything just moves along the same everday.

I do enjoy working with the soldiers occasionally. Once a day I go to a meeting to schedule equipment for the next day. That is a place that I tend to meet a lot of new people. This is nice because then I have more opportunities when I am out to have conversations with Soldiers and then there are opportunities to show Christ to them. Relationships are the key!

One Soldier I have met a few times at the meetings, a Chief Warrant Officer, is also a Christian. He is also very active here for the Lord and does a Sunday Sermon at the LAMS A for a dozen Soldiers who can't make it to Chapel. I had heard this once at the meeting and yesterday, just inside the front gate, I saw him and was able to speak with him a bit about it. He is from the midwest and has been doing Discipleship and such for his church for a while. This year he will retire from the Army and do it even more.

I also saw the Muslim interpreter that kept hanging around with Justin and I the other day while I attempted to speak with him reagrding his faith. Again, by the front gate, he strolled up to me and began to talk. Not about anything in paticular just a casual conversation. He is really attempting to get a better job as an interpreter so I think that is part of the reason why he is so talkative. Most of these interpreters take a big risk with their jobs. The potential rewards however are that sometimes they are able to get Visa's after a few years for the US through their contacts in the Military. Usually this is near impossible.

I got in bed early last night, eight o'clock. I needed it. Monday evenings are my tough nights as we have prayer until 1030 or so and then I get up again at 0300 to call my Accountability Group. Oh, good news. The Military has put our Monday and Thursday Prayer meeting on the Published schedule. "We're somebody now, ma!" Anyone know where that reference came from? Becasue of getting in bed early I only sat with Chandel for a minute for prayer. Afterwards I questioned if I should have spent more time with him or not. Funny how things convict me.

Some days are just days. Nothing very different any any of them. Here that is kinda the norm, things run along the same way and then every once in a while a bump or something. I guess that is how the Military is designed to function and how therefore we all function here. Just keep moving along day by day.

Be blessed and have a good day.

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