Monday, November 22, 2010

Men in Fellowship

Men in fellowship. Men coming together to share and worship with one another. Inviting the Spirit to come into thier midst and move them to oneness with the Lord. Loving and open to each other, men of different backgrounds and cultures, standing without differences as one. This is the message of Jesus Christ.

My friends are cherished, loved, honored and respected. Each man with their own experience and knowledge, their own thoughts of how we should fellowship. We join and melt together in unison for our common purpose. Even differences are overcome with grace and forgiveness, knowing that we are not to judge but to love.

I enjoy the evenings with my brothers on Monday and Thursday. As we sing we sing only for the Lord. Out of key and out of tune sometimes, without music all the time but no one cares we are in worship. Each man in their own way, moves to prayer. Some with tongues and some quietly. It becomes an ensamble of prayer with a rythm of its own. Filling of the Spirit coming into the room. The chant then, at some point just moving into a single prayer from one brother. We all agree, and praise God.

Our testimonies very and the Word of God in our hearts become the agenda. Anybody free to feel the leading of the Spirit and speek what comes to them from the Bible. There is no agenda, no initial subject to start us off. There is no discussion or point counter point of what is said. Just the Word of God and what it speaks to the man at that time. True outpouring and recieving, one preacher after another, all else listening. This is sharing, pouring out.

I like this time each week because the time is for devotion, worship, testimony and prayer without any want. With out any other reasons than to invite the Spirit to be present with us. We all recieve by this, not one leaving unfilled. We are full and overflowing from the Spiritual food and the living water that cames from this, from God.

Praise you father for your faithfullness to us. You promise, that where two or three believers are gathered that you will be there. You promise abundance through giving unconditionally to others. You ask us to love one another as we love ourselves and to forgive and have grace, guide us in that. Lift up my Brothers and our prayers. Amen.

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