Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Dignity and Respect.

It amazes me sometimes, I guess mybe not to much anymore, how rude people can be here. We live in tents with nine other people right now and some people just feel as they are the only ones there. Not a care about the others around them.

There are two new young men in the tent with the rest of us that have been in there for quiet some time now. These guys just don't understand that the tent is in essence our home and should be a place where each man can come and find his rest and solice. Even as public and communal as we live we must respect that others may have different sleeping living habits. We like to say here, dignity and respect for one another.

Now before I go any further I must say that I have tried to be mindful that these two young gentlemen also deserve dignity and respect. That they have different habits then the rest of us also and I have tried to be a good wittness, and accepting of them and there habits. But this approach didn't work so well.

So you can get the feel for where I am going, generally after dinner, between 1800 and 2000 men start coming back to the tent and getting ready for bed. Some go for showers and others like me lay down and relax. Again this is time for rest. Between 2000 and 2200 people start to go to sleep. Some like Roberto next to me are closer to the 2000 time frame as he does not sleep very much anyway and is always very tired. Others like myself strive to be asleep by 2200 and no later. Camp rules are lights out at 2200.

These men from the time they came into the tent just had no idea of any of this. It starts out with the constant in and out of the door by not only them, but any friend that descides to stop by to see them. Now somewhere along the line the missed the class on how to close a door without slamming it. They also start to talk o their friends before they even see them, many times almost yelling from the door to them, without thinking that others are their. They also failed to realize that the flourescent light above their beds light up the entire tent. One is enough for all of us to use, they are very bright lights. Several times waking at 0130 and after the lights were on and nobody was home.

So I talked to the other guys and we agreed that there was a little problem going on in our tent. The unfortunate thing is taht we felt that we couldn't say anything as we didn't want any repercussions while we weren't in the tent. So it was descided that I would go to the Operations Department and let them handle the situation by reiterating the tent policies. They did as expected and the light siuation has improved.

Last night, "beep, beep, beep" off goes the horn of a truck. Seconds late rthe door burst open and the loud voices start calling to the man laying in his bed. "Come on man, we're wiating, we got to go. So me being me, said "hey, do you really have to honk the horn around here?" My young room mate then stated "what, I can't even honk the horn now!" Obviously a reference also to the lights. "People are trying to sleep in here and have quiet. You don't need to honk the horn." Sleep, it's only seven. Who is sleeping now?"

So I left the tent, I was on my way out anyway, and out front was a truck full of young men. Within a few seconds out of the tent they came, discussing loudly that they couldn't honk the horn either. Now what do you think they did then? Honked the horn. Yup, twice, at first. No, I didn't react, just took a deep breath and let it go. Then as they backed up, "Honk" yes, again, and then again twice as they pulled off. Yes, I did maintain my compossure. The Lord has taught me lots of patience here.

So I stood and pondered my next move. Obviously, this was not working. I also thought, I should just go and get him fired, he obviously thinks taht I am just another worker here like him. No, I can't do that. So I prayed and asked for guidance. This morning I just reported the issue to the Assistant Camp manager and asked that it be explained to these young men that the tent is a place of rest, each mans home, and that it should be respected as such. He agreeded. He also knew exactly the young man I was talking about and the vehicle he drove so he said he would take care of it. We shall see.

Just use this as a reminder today about dignity and respect. We are all living here, on this earth together and the message holds true where ever and what ever situation you are in. For us Christians it falls under the catagory of Love your neighbor. It also gives us insight into small community, you all must come together with common understanding of the purpose to which you gather. If one has a different understanding of this it causes disruption amungst the group.

Be Blessed each of you. Safe travels on this holiday week.

Lord, I pray for, and ask others to also, these young men and their hearts. That they may see that we must come together, all of us and find common ground. That instead of breading cotemptment they gain understand of the others around them. In your precious and Holy name we pray. Amen.

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