Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Moving Day

This morning I will be brief as we will be moving out of our tent into a temporary location. This is to facilitate the tear down of our camp and the rebuild on the East side. In all the entire process needs to be completed by Christmas. To note it was nice to be able to pack everything that I own in about ten minutes. The only thing that became some worry was the desk that I have. It will not fit into the temporary tent as they are much smaller than what we have now. I know it will all work out though.

To follow up on yesterday's Blog, I was able to return at lunch time to see Justin again. He had just begun to read the Bible I had left him in the morning. Amazingly, as soon as I started to walk up to him the same Afghan man from the morning, saw me and came to where were standing. He immediately began to engauge us in conversation and very quickly moved to things regarding Faith.

This time I was more focussed on the Afghan man. I figured that it was also an opportunity that kept presenting itself so I might as well give it a shot and Wittness to him. Now let me say, that without the interaction in the morning and me seeing how the Lord equipped me I would not have attempted this in the afternoon. The point is that Faith is strengthend through action!

Anyway, I said a prayer as the man explained how his Uncle was on his Pilgramage to Mecca. I responded with my understanding of how important that was. I then asked about this clensing him of his sins. That he would now have all his past sins removed because of this journey. He agreed and explained the details. Here was the opportunity to wittness Christ, one deep breath and off to new territory. "Yes, I understand, this is what Jesus Christ has done for me. He has victory over sin, victory over all sin. He has made me clean and now I can fellowship again with God, with Allah." Whoo! I had done it, I put it out there and I felt very releaved.

You could see a definate change in his face and demeener. He looked at the ground for a minute and then asked Justin if he would come and join them for lunch. Justin stated that he had some things to do and that he would see them all later. Justin and I turned to walk towards the DFAC and the man followed for a bit but said good bye at the edge of the yard.

As Justin and I walked we discussed the aspect of cleansing of sin. How for the Musslim it was through works and actions. Where they prayed, how they prayed, that they have washed the appropriate number of times. But I draw the contrast, that no amount of washing the external could clean the internal sins. That they could wash seven times the hands that have been defiled but could do nothing of the same thing to wash their hearts of hatred or adultry, these being larger sin. But through Jesus Christ's death on the Cross He has paid for all of our sins. That our hearts of love and acceptance of this is why God gives us the gift of salavation, the free gift of salvation. Justin understood this.

As we finished our walk we ran into the Chaplin. I introduced them to each other and for a few minutes they talked. Their units are both from the same area and so this became the topic at hand. I said my goodbyes to Justin at this point and walked for a moment with the Chaplin. I informed him that Justin was searching for answers and that I had invited him to the Chapel. I also asked him to pray for him as he was being sought after by the Muslim men and that Satan had been attepting to keep him from Christ.

I ask again that each of you who read this also pray for this young man. That you pray for all of us here. Be blessed today.

1 comment:

  1. Life can Be Such a Reflector.
    old saying; "get what you giving"

    When I Am Giving Support to All, I tend to View what is coming my way as support. As well, if I am Playing Dodge Ball & Trying to "tag' the opponents, My Defenses seem to be heightened expecting to be targeted for 'tagging' by others. And, if I have Hidden Agenda's or pre-conceptions about an other person, I tend to be on Guard for theirs.

    Sometimes, a Joke is just a Joke (nothing personal)
