Friday, October 8, 2010

"Work for God Today"

There isn't really as much time as you may think. You can not plan your lives as if you will have forever to do the things that you dream about doing. You don't have time to wait for the right moment to speak the Gospel into someones life who doesn't know the Love that Jesus has for them. We never know when this time, our time will end and our opportunities to changes lives will be no more.

Think about where you are at now. think about how many times you have planned things for the future. Reflect on how many times you have not spoken the Gospel to someone, not spoken Truth into their lives because the time was not right. Also, do not many of us plan on Ministry opportubities for the future. thinking that when our schedule lightens up that we will have more time to have or participate in a small group, more time to volunteer.

Of course Jesus will understand, you and I are just too busy today to take advantage of the opportunities He has made for us. For goodness sakes, He has put me right where He wants me so I don't have to do anything else. I can just do "this" until He moves me to do something else. Do you think that we all are going to get a moment like Moses or Noah when our time of action comes?

Jesus is working in our lives every minute. The Spirit is in us every second that we breathe. If we acknowledge it or not we are living in the midsts of our Lord and Savior right now. So why not trust His work in us and make every moment a God moment? The answer is that we don't trust that we are equipped enough at this moment to do anything worth while for Him. how untrue that is. How Satan has lied to us and convinced us that the the Spirit within us just isn't enough to get the job done.

It's a lie! You are equipped enough at this moment to handle anything now that comes your way. Maybe it is not building an Ark, but whatever opportunity it is now, you can handle now. Don't think that He does not know what your strengths and weaknesses are. Don't think that you will be alone and not able to handle what is before you. Don't think that the Lords timing is off a bit and He just doesn't know you welll enough. Trust Him!

We walk with the living God. We have the Spirit within us, to strengthen us and counsol us. Jesus has our back and that is all that you should need to know as you step out every minute in faith. Don't fool yourself into thinking that the time is not right, or that you can do something another time because then you are in essence saying to the God that His timing is not perfect, that He may have gotten you wrong, or the situation wrong.

Step in Faith always. Know that His timing is perfect and that every moment you have is time for you to speak and act and be a Christian and preach the Gospel to others. If you think anything different from that, if you believe that you will have time later, you are wrong and you are cheating God from the opportunity for you to Glorify Him in this moment.

Put on your calendar toady and everyday that you will "Work for God Toady" as a remindeer that there is no day better then this one to Glorify Him.

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