Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Paslm 126:5-6

Those who sow in tears
Will reap with songs of joy.
He who goes out weeping,
carrying seed to sow,
will return with songs of joy,
carrying sheaves with him.

I read this this morning and felt that I should write about it. It spoke to me as for what I am doing here in Afghanistan. I write so often about the difficultly that I have in being away from my family, maybe even too much. It is how I feel however and my goal is to write my experiences here. To write of my emotions and learning. Anything that may be relevant in someone elses life especially in relation to our Christian walk.

As I read this I could not help to relate this directly to myself. Maybe I am getting the contexct a little off, sorry Frank. I pondered this Psalm for a little while thinking of how I weap with sorrow for leaving my family. I weap because I miss my Brothers and friends back home. Yes I even miss occasionally the finer things that God has provided me. But this work that I do serves two purposes.

It is an income for my family. It provides stability for them to continue with their lives in the manner in which they have been doing for a while. Not saying if that is right or wrong but it is what it is. It is my responsibility to provide, through the grace of God, for my family.

Secondly, and unexpectedly, this has become a mission field for me. Here lies my joy. Yes I am happy that I provide for my family but that does not compare in the least to the joy I find in each blessing that the Lord allows me to wittness during my days.

So back to the Psalm, I am restored through Christ Jesus. He allows my grief in the service to my family to be turned into songs of joy. I am faithful to His call in that my heart is willing to wittness to His Glory so that my weaping is turned to joy. This makes it all worth it to me, I know that may sound selfish and prideful in a way but is that not what our Gospel speaks of, the joy of the Lord?

My writing oscilates back and forth on a day to day basis. I speak of trials and then of joys. Heart aches and blessings. I have a tug of war going on that you so many times hear about from me. Ultimately though know that it is for the Glory of God. That I toil and strain but the joy that comes from it is such a great reward for me and my family. That only becasue of these blessings do I move forward some days and Praise God for allowing me to participate in His plan.

We will all have good and bad days. Some days we will cry our guts out for the things that hurt us most. Other days we will walk on the clouds as things go our way. In the end though as we are faithful to His calling on our lives, whatever that may be, He will count it all as Joy.

Work for the Lord even when the work is drudgery, difficult and seemingly meaningless to His plans because you never know what He has in store for you. Cry, but cry out to Him. Feel pain but give it to Him. Miss those you Love but leave them in His hands. DO all these things as you journey, He will see you through in His own way.

Lord I pray for me to reap and sow in your name. I pray that others may do the same. That we all work for your Glory and that your Kingdom be exalted in the end.

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