Saturday, October 23, 2010

Whoa To "Oh Whoa Is Me"

If I just give it all to Him then I would not have written what I had written yesterday. I would not at all be concerned with the circumstance of my life and of my work as I should be assured that He is in control of everything. My burdons would be so light, even when my labor is difficult in mans eyes, because I trust in the Lord fully. Isn't this so hard for us?

As it so appears then, my circumstances come into play and I allow my trust in the Lord to waiver in a way. It does not get weak in the sense that I don't want Him in my life or trust that he is Lord and Savior but I don't keep Him in the place that He deserves. I begin to give the authority to others, my boss, my coworkers, my subordinates and others. Not where it should be! This is the waivering that I speak of.

It is easy to do. Think of someone cutting you off and you have that frustration that may come out in a verbal explative, followed by your mind thinking all sorts of thoughts about the driver. That is an easy slip how about like me at our work? Things going well "all" the time or occasionally do you feel as if things are just a little out of your control? Out of who's control? You begin to think about the circumstances that are causing the stress, the people or timelines when ultimately the are His to control not ours.

An example also is when I was home and I wrote about the comfort that I felt from being out of Afghanistan. That I saw how easy it was to be comfortable and to not keep the Lord in the place HE deserves in our minds. In a way, unfulfillment at work and comfort at home are in essence these wordly circumstances that are of the world that are at the root cause of our distraction. He is in control always it is us that mis understands His control, either in comfort or in struggle.

Now back to the circumstances that I feel that I am in. Where I just feel that everything that I am doing in my job is just not working out correctly. Has that happened to you, maybe not now but ever? It just is a strange place to be at at, especially when my perspective is focussed on the worldly aspects of it.

So if I change that perspective then it wouldn't be so. If I work to the best of my abilities and skill. Make descisions that I know are right. Engauge people in the correct manner and it still has the same outcome but I am focussed on the Lord, then I know that it is how it should be at that time.

Here again I am. Looking into my heart and realizing that my faith is not always as strong as it should be. That I still need practice in getting this right. That I am still learning lessons about this life so that I may be more and more a useful servant of the Lords. Catherine stated that the Lord must being trying to show me something as this was the same thing that happened before. Same type of feelings. John wrote that I am here for Him and doing His work also. I am now examining my strength which is a very good practice for us all to do.

I should not just reason that because things are going wrong that I am out of His will, only that I have a tougher walk to walk for Him. That I have to become a little stronger so that I will be able to complete the next task.

Bad things and bad times are good for us if we realize that they are just the circumstances that we must live in. As a Christian it is my challenge to remain in Him and to give these circumstance to Him. Jesus Christ is my, our, Lord and Savior and as such He is in control of all things and in all things we must be thankful. In doing this we can take all of this mess, all of these struggles, in stride and for His Glory.

Oh Lord, continue to have me churn these things around in my head. Let me struggle with such things so I don't just dismiss them. Allow me to grow. We are made to Glorify you in all things but if I just dismiss these circumstances as everday life then I will not be allowing you to speak to me. If I just let myself be part of the world then you can not be used by you. Thank you Lord.

1 comment:

  1. Brother, i commented on your very last post, but...
    To restate, 'Satan' or 'Evil' will attack first and foremost, the ones who are 'anti' 'evil'. Your environment, the very wind & sand, is under who's governorship? The Physical Material World is manipulated in opposition to your stated efforts and standing. Contrary to popular opinion here, I am of the view, that you have no business being there and it may have, yes, been some devilish trickery on your fear or desire to support your family or God, which has you believing this some mission from God. I have personally found too many examples in this world, where Satan tricks mere humans into believing the exact opposite of what is really true about their actions and/or intentions. To find ones self actually fostering the very thing which was being fought against. Further more, destroying ones self in the effort.

    I'm just say'n,;-))j.xx.
