Sunday, October 17, 2010

Return to Shindand

I want to first thank Susan for reminding me of the book Prison to Praise. As I spent last night in Kandahar, I was just a mess again. My mind wondered back home, to the people that I love and the things that I will miss again. I thought also about the time ahead of me at this point. I am one third down and my next R & R will be in ninety days, just a little less then I have completed at this point. It just seems like forever.

Sun after writing the previous blog and Catherine calling several times I lay in bed just trying to get to sleep. Nothing Seemed to work to settle me down until I remembered Susan speaking about the power that one woman had found from the book Prison to Praise. By praising God for everything in our lives, everything around us we can find blessing and miracles in our lives. This guess what I started doing, praising God for my pillow, for the time at home that I had, for the people who are close to me, for everything. I could not think of enough and when I could think of something I just said Praise you God.

Not that it was a miracle but I did fall asleep. Praising God allowed my mind to focus not rest on my problems and fears but on Him, my God. This brought me comfort. In a way this is a small reminder of the power of God in our lives. When we focus on Him and set our mind to His ways we can be relieved of our Burdon, relieved of the small demons that cause us pain so much.

Thank you Susan.

Ok, so I returned this morning at 6:30 to Shindand only to find my bed moved and somone sleeping in it. Now I knew about the moving of the bed, I will speak about that some other time, but somone sleeping in my bed threw me though. It actually upset me a bit as all I wanted to do is spend a few minutes laying down after the long journey. That would take a little while, actually I have not layed down yet and it is six hours later. Good news is that I ahve my bed back.

The Camp has gone through some major changes both with personel and with set up. The DFAC has moved to the East side which means that we now have to take a bus to go eat. Just adds time and effort to the routine of everyday. The Chapel is gone, it has also been moved to the East side. Supposed to be nice but I do not know how I will get there for noon prayer and for Sunday service. Oh thats another thing, I missed Service today.

The good news is that I was able to see all of my guys. Almost immediately I saw Chandel and gave him the new Bible I brought for him. What a smile he had as he held it. Joell told him it was a new sword. I also saw Robert briefly for a hug and a hello. Each man today that I saw welcomed me back, it was nice to see them all again.

So I am back and for now the ache is gone. I will settle in again and begin a new stretch of time here in Afghanistan. I look forward to my time again here and being in the will of God as much as I can, you know it is mostly up to us. I look forward to seeing the DFAC workers and all of my Military friends. I also look forward to writing to you all again each day.

Lord, thank you for this safe return to my Home Away from Home. Thank you for your faithfullness to me even when I struggle with our relationship.

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