Tuesday, October 5, 2010

See How Life Starts to Get In the Way

Today my post is probably the latest hat it has ever been. Normally, from Afghanistan, I am writing it as you all are going to bed and that allows me plenty of time to reflect and find what I will areite about.

This morning I slept in a bit, I woke at 06:00 at the same time the kids get up. I have been spending the last few early mornings awake around 0200 or 0300 for a while until I am able to fall back asleep, so today was good for me in a sense. Once awake however then I am involved in getting the kids ready for school. Something that I have not done in a while and something that I am not practiced at so much.

Anyway to be brief, i guess my anxiety raises up a bit and therefore my efforts to help don't always go over so well. Combine this with my sleep pattern and everything else that goes on and then you have a morning that didn't go so well. Not that I lost control but just that uneasy tension that just puts a bad spin on the morning. Definately not something that I thought about having happen when i was still dreaming about coming home for a visit.

These things are reality however in our lives. nothing will ever be perfect as long as we live on this earth. We will never have everything in such harmony that there won't be something that gives us adversity. many times, and I know this for me, it is because my expectations of something are different then what the possible outcome can be. For instance, that each morning will be like the Sound of Music while I am home. Impossible, however i expected that it should be.

This I believe is what our lives involve in many instances. Our disapointments, our struggles come from what we expect to be differing from what really is. Our sin is a result many times of this. We place other things in the way of Gods plans for us. we step to our own drum instead of listening for what God have us do.

I guess in a sense the difference in being in Afghanistan and being here is that here more of life will begin to get in my way. There is more going on, more influences in everyones life that then start to effect the things around us. My children have their stress, Catherine has hers and I have mine and all of this begins to draw each of us away from what we should be focussed on, loving each other as christ loves us.

Today life got in my way. I began to feel things as they used to effect me. I have begun to slip a little into the business and into false expectations of others and the things around me. Satan can use this very well to create in us anxiety and other emotions that are not Holy and good and that just add to the sin that we find ourselves in so often.

Lord, move in me in a way that allows me not to have false expectations of the world around me. Let me focus on you Lord and only react in Love and understanding to the adversity that is around.

1 comment:

  1. Very good post. Expectations. Rather than trying to superimpose our template of expectation on the future we should try to hear God and see what he's doing NOW. He's trying to get our attention. It's not about us. It's about His kingdom.
