Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Church Is Within You

A very faithful friend, Rosanne, reminded me today in an email that Church is within me. That even though the Chapel has moved that it will be ok because God is here, in my heart. That He will continue to work with me even if I don't go to "His House" as often, He is in "My House" always.

What a glorious God that we have. At the moment of our Rebirth in Him, he sends His couselor to us to dwell in our hearts. He in essences places Himself within us so that we are eternaly connected to Him. He guids us. He moves us. He speaks to us. He becomes one with us as long as we listen.

Rosanne also reminds me to let the Spirit do the ministering. How many times have I not? How many times has it been my efforts and not the Spirits efforts thorugh me? If I am walking in confidnce of the Spirit within me then I know that I will be ok. That as I carry the Church, the Ministry, the Fellowship and the Discipleship are also carried with me. They become my life not just the actions during the time at Church, the building.

We are to be the Church, the body in which the Highest of Highs calls His home. We are to represent that Holliness at all times so that those around us marvel at His glory that comes from within us. We are to be rady to praise and worship Him at all times so that others know His name from us. We are to be His.

I don't get this right all the time. I feel alone here. I feel as if I have work to do for God that must get done. I feel a sense of responsibility to accomplish much. Sometimes it is my needs that are being fullfilled not His. What I really need to do is just listen an act. Be responsible only to obediance and trust. Know that all things will work together for the good, with or without me. Know that it is not going to the Church that matters but being the Church that matters.

God Bless you all who read this and in one way or another respond to me and help me. I am blessed to have you all here as I make this journey. You are part of why I continue to push forward each day. You are part of why i explore my feelings and thoughts. Without you all I would not have moved forward in the waythat I have in my faith and in my life.

Lord, you have layed the foundations of my faith. You stand with me as the Master Craftsman, the architect of the rest of my life. Help me hear your voice and trust your ways so that my church becomes a a place of rest for those around me.


  1. Michael, Thank you for being obedient to the Lord's calling. Thank you for letting the Holy Spirit work through you. What a wonderful role-model you are to our children (and many others)! I love you. XOXOXO

  2. Thank you my love. I so appreciate you and the encouragement you give me to continue each day. You are a blessing for me.
