Monday, October 18, 2010

Change In The Routine

I don't like change so much. Not that it is bad but I am one who likes a little bit of a routine to what I am doing. I think this is something that Catherine has taught me since we have been married. I can almost hear my Dad say "what" as I write this.

So I returned to Shindand and the best way to get back to things is to start back into the routine of things. Now don't get me wrong, I am not talking about the Ground Hog Day routine that occurs here, the menotonious routine, but the routine of when and where I do things. Well that didn't happen yet as opon my arrival I became aware of how many things had actually changed from when I left.

Most of the Military has moved to the East side Camp and therefore the services that help support them also have moved. The Chapel has been taken down, the DFAC is now over there and the laundry will move today. With that being said it is not just a simple walk to get my meal and to drop off the laundry anymore. It also is not easy for me to go to the Chapel anymore which is probably the hardest.

As you may recall, each day I have spent time at the Chapel for one reason or another. I now am trying to figure out how I can do this without affecting my job responsiblities or off time from work. This change for me was abrupt, occurring while I was on R&R, and I had no time to adjust. What was a simple task now will take much more effort and planning and possibly I may just not be able to fit things in like before.

So the one thing that really matters to me here has now become difficult for me to do. I can not become delinquent in my obligations to the company. I must maintain the same standards of performance I would expect of my men as far as allotted time for breaks and such. So I ponder what I can do. So for now I will make the best of it even though it will be difficult. I wil find some way to get as much Worship time as possible.

So for now I ask for your prayers, as I am praying that God works this out. Also that I am obediant and willing to hear His voice. All things happen for a reason and at some point that will be made clear to me. Maybe we will go back to the Bunker Church idea that we had. Maybe it will be something else. Also pray that this change in my routine does not cause me to make excuses not to worship and fellowship with the Lord. That I maintain in other ways the service and devotion to Him.

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