Monday, August 2, 2010

Sin and Sinners.

There is a conversation going on in this office this morning regarding how prostitution should be legal. That Drugs should be legal and uncontrolled gambling should be legal. The arguments are that if some woman wants to sell her body then that is her business and nobody should care. If somebody wants to do drugs they should be able to. Somebody also indicated that it would be ok if their daughter was a prostitute because it would be her body and her right.

Me being the "Preacher" (slowly becoming my nickname) was asked what I thought. Of course in these situations people don't tend to want to hear the answer. It usually takes a few minutes to get out a hole sentence but it comes. Love the sinner and hate the sin. Of course this is follishness and leads into a brick wall.

Somehow in one instance it is a persons right to do what they want to do and in another we can impose personal judgement when we draw a line as to the sin. The same man who states that it would be ok if his daughter was a prositute would throw his son out for being gay. If we say what sin is we are judgeing but if we think the sin is too much then it is our rights as an individual. My point through the entinre discussion was that we should accept the person and be a light to them of Jesus which in turn allows the Spirit to work on the sin, and the root of the sin.

Even as I try to recap this conversation and write the thoughts that I am having I am getting confused. Instead of giving truth and working on setting people free of their sin, there is this thought that we should allow the sin so that it becomes acceptable and I guess, not sin anymore. The same people that don't want judgement, judge in the drawing of the line in the sand.

Love the sinner and hate the sin. All people deserve our hand, our acceptance of them as Gods creations. We all have sinned and fallen short of the glory of God and therefore are all in the same boat. There is therefore no man on earth that can appropriatly judge the sinner, but we have been part of sin.


  1. Welcome Lynn. I do appreciate you checking the Blog out. Hope all your family is well and say hello to John.

  2. Arguments like this go nowhere with some people. Of course, they asked you.
    God gives us free will to do anything but that doesn't mean everything we do is good.
    "Everything is permissible"—but not everything is beneficial. "Everything is permissible"—but not everything is constructive. 1Cor 10:23

  3. Oh Gary,

    Sometimes I just don't know what to do when people have these discussions. I try most of all to have compassion and just to listen, and then pray.
