Thursday, August 5, 2010


Finally got one to upload. ThisCross was taken inside one of the bunkers here at Shindand.
Foolishness! Some see the things of heaven as foolishness. They do not understand it. They can't comprehend our faith. They can't comprehend our moving to obediance. They can't understand our testimony to the saving Grace of God through Jesus Christ. The Bible, Gods Word, tells us that this will happen and that the world will be against us.
I have struggled with the last few posts thinking that some may see them as too over the top. That there are those that read them that cringe at the things I write as they disagree or that they may be uncomfortable with the message. It is difficult to know this and then try to write freely. Somewhere in my mind a filter is set so that I don't push anybody away.
As you may see, I am past that at this point. I am a Christian man and have faith in Jesus Christ and that He is the Way the Truth and the Light. That He died on the cross for my sins, past, present and future. That no work that I can do will pay for the gift of grace that God has given me through this Faith. It is not by works but by Faith and I walk by this faith.
I also believe that Faith in Jesus Christ is our only path to Salvation. That the Bible is the inarrent Word of God and that it was divinely given to man and is to be trusted and followed by me. That Jesus Christ was crucified on the cross, buried and rose again and sits on the right hand of the Father in Heaven. I believe that the Holy Spirit was then given to the Faithful to guide us and continually point us back to Christ so that we may become like Him in mind body and soul and be a Light in this Dark World. I also believe that anyone who does not believe in Jesus Christ, Good or Bad, will spend eternity outside the presence of God in hell.
This Spirit has work to do within me as I am in this world. This world is broken by the original sin of Adam and therefore we are all broken by the original sin. We will never move fully through this brokeness until the day we are recieved in heaven. We will be imperfect in one manner or another during our days but because of the Holy Spirit within me and the Salvation that Jesus has paid for me, I can move past that, that my sins are forgiven.
Some who read this see this as foolishness. How can you be broken and have so much. Why can you not be happy in what you have. Happy for the things that you have earned. Happy with the good times. Some see it as foolishness that God would not accept everyone, that He would distinguish between obediant and disobediance. Some think that it is foolishness that God would set a standard for us, that he would determine the way we should follow Him. Some see it as foolishness that I gave up a good carreer, that I came here and that I desire to be available for Him to work through me.
It is foolishness that God has stipulated His expectations to us. That His Word has become flesh so that we may believe in Him. That He expects us to have Faith in Him. That it is not punishment in this world but freedom from this world that He offers. It is foolishness that I have found the greatest pleasures of my life in being obediant to Him and His word.
Why doe sthis subject, this belief effect so many in such ways. Why does only the subject of faith cause so much struggle and strife in this world. Why does the Bible cause people to panic and think such negativity. Why do people believe that if they know and follow Gods Word that their lives will be worse off. Because Satan rules this world! He wants the world to believe that Gods Word is foolishness.
This world will offer you many things that bring you pleasure and satisfaction, God has designed us to seek this satisfaction. The problem is that most of us fall short of seeking the one true thing that will bring us this, God the Father. We settle for less and explain it away as ok. We think that where we are is exactly where we should be. We believe that we are who we are and there is nothing we can do to change that. We act on the outside that everything is ok but on the inside there is pride, or lust, or envy or hatred. We all suffer from this, even I, but how many work to move past it. How many see it for what it is. Seek first the Kingdom of Heaven and all other things will be given to you.
The Bible even tells us that we may be persecuted and abandonded by those who are close to us. That we may suffer from our Faith. This is easy suffering considering what others have gone through but none the less suffering. To think that some see what you do as foolishness is suffering, especially when they are the ones you love so much.
I am a Christian. I believe in the saving Grace of God through faith in Jesus Christ. I seek His will in my life and look to Glorify Him in all that I do.
If you have gotten to this point and have the feeling that I was speaking to you I ask you to take a challenge. Study the Bible for yourself, read it and ponder it. See if what you believe of it holds true and that at the end of a honest look and and honest open mind you still feel that this is foolishness then so be it. But I say, if you do not, or have not done this, then who may be the fool? Who may be missing the true meaning of this life.


  1. I will now take up the collection.

    We are fools for Christ, brother. What a wonderful calling!
