Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Getting ready to take over my position.

Again, pictures are not uploading again. My appologies.

The man I am replacing will be leaving camp as soon as he can get a flight out. I have been just shadowing him around and learning as much as I can. I have also been watching the people and learning the who's who's and the what what's . Slowly I have been gaining my knowledge of tthings and look forward to having full control over my area.

We have several meetings each week as everyone needs to know what is going on. We operate under a big contract and everything, I mean everything is stipulated in the contract. Each aspect is turned on by the Military and then we get responsibility for it. They like to call it "Lanes". For instance my "Lane" is Transportation of materials and people, cargo for the most part. Therefore I don't get involved in the storage and distribution to end user of the Materials, that is outside my Lane. We also have three meetings internally each week where we let each other know what is happening in our sections.

I have a lot of interaction with the Military, still don't know the ranks but I just call everyone Sir and Madam. I get a little intimidated sometimes but then figure that they are just like me, men doing jobs so it helps me get through some of this. I have had to curb a little of my jokingness as I don't know that they would appreciate it so much. Probably good for me to do.

Something cool that I get to do is set up my materials to go into Military convoys and onto Military aircraft. I can actually request movements through the Military. I think it is most boys dreams to be a soldier when they are little, this is a close as I will get , but I think it is close enough.

I look for ward to beintg in the drivers seat once the other man leaves. I look foward to making decisions and doing something productive. The people are good and know their jobs so support and oversight will be my main objective.

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