Our God is bigger than we can imagine. Even with our near sighted vision, when we think that we are just wallowing in our our walk, we find that He had been working the whole time in and through us. Around us and without us. He has a perfect plan that will happen regardless of us. It is amazing!
When I was in Kandahar last week I was tasked with finding and getting to Shindand two Foreign National Truck Drivers that we were going to make Bus Drivers. You also may recall that I was longing for home and after reading about the Rich Young Ruler I was able to step further and release that chain to my home and family. Realize that in Kandahar, if you are a New Employees and not a Manager you are put into the South Park compound, tents 14 or 15, which are generally refered to as "Circus Tents". These tents hold approximately two hundred men. I had to go there to find these two men and assure that they were ready and packed to go to Shindand as soon as I could get us manifested on a flight.
As you enter these tents you are overwhelmed by the amount of people there are there. They because they are not permenant in the Camp do not have ID tags and therefore they can not leave the tent area unescorted. They are fed there and spend, some of them, up to a month here so when someone with a badge comes in all eyes look with anticipation of being chosen to go to work. It is very stark to see as the men come walking up from the back intent on hearing the conversation.
The man in charge of everyone, the Tent Foreman, then calls out the names and up comes Chandel. Then a call out again for the second man. Somebody calls out that he was sent TK the day before. Immediately other men ask for the job and begin to state their qualifications, "I can drive a bus". As I first meet Chandel he is a young Indian man but looks more to me as if he Spanish. I explain to him what my purpose is and that he should be ready to leave when the call him to go.
Now I will attempt to weave in the second part of the story here and then bring it back together later. Here in Shindand when my Tent mates first arrived in the tent I found out that one men from Napal was a Christian, the rest are Hindu's. I attempted to speak with him but he does not speak or understand English at all so it was difficult to communicate. I had given him a Bible and asked him to prayer but he never would accept my invitation and the Bible was in English so he could not understand it. Forthe last month this man and I have had little contact other than in the tent.
Now, I did finally return from Kaf with Chandel. I had kept him under my wing and he stayed close to me as we traveled. I was making sure he understaood where he was going and what it would be like. I even snapped a picture of him on the flight as I believe it was his first on a Military type aircraft and thought he might like to send it home. On our arrival I got him up to the offices and showed him around and eventually introduced him to David his Supervisor. David then temporarily assigned him to the crane operation which happens to be where Robert works.
As God would have it, Chandel and Robert began to talk and Robert being a strong wittness began to speak into Chandels heart. Apperently Chandel had not been a practicing Hindu for a while and had been seeking Christians in his life but until now had not had any. Robert and he spoke for sevral days and yesterday morning as Robert prayed with Chandel, Chandel gave his life to Christ. Now I did not nkow this until later on last evening when we went to prayer.
Now last night when I left my tent one of the men stopped me and said that Abar, the Christian wanted to come to prayer with me. Wow, I thought, this is great but how is this going to work. I can't speak to him much more than a young child and that may not due for prayer, but "come on" I said. As we walked in the full moon light, thatr is as much light as we get here at night I made idol conversation about the moon, asking what the word was in his language.
We entered the Chapel and spoke the assistant for a few minutes when in walked Robert and to my surprise Chandel. Imagine my look, as they proceeded to tell me that he had come to Christ and how he felt that I came to Kaf to pick him and bring him here so that he and Robert could speak. I cried for this man. I was amazed that he had found Christ and now was beeming with excitement to begin his journey. He explained that he was the first in His family and that he couldn't wait to tell his wife. that he wanted to explain to her as Robert had done for him. This is an amazing moment.
Now why the connection with the Abar the Napaleese man. Chandel and he speak the same language. Chandel was able to now communicate with Abar and let him know what we were talking about. They even plan now to sit and speak and learn from one another regarding the Gospel. How perfect was this.
Only in Gods perfect timing could all this come together in such a way. One man who could have spent weeks more in KAF brought here at the right time. Pace in an area outside of his field until his job opened up. Who meets with Robert at a time when he is seeking Christ Jesus. Robert faithfully speaking the word of God to this man when he could get in trouble for doing such and helping bringing him to Christ. The very same evening, a man Christian man who can not understand me or read our Bible comes to prayer after a month to be there on the very same night that the newly saved man who speaks his language comes to pray.
If you are not a believer you would say this is coincidence. I know this is God! For only He, in His perfect timing, could have lined these things up so planely. Only He could have worked this plan out the way it occurred. I have no doubt that He would have worked this out without me, but I am glad He chose to have me participate.
Rejoice! For there is a New Believer in Christ Jesus. Rejoice! As the Angels in Heaven are doing. Join them in this moment and rejoice!
Nice. Praise God!