Amazing thing technology.
Yesterday, Bethlehem Community Church held Baptisms of twenty one Brothers and Sisters. This is the moment of public proclimation of our Faith in Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior. It is also a time that we connect with the death , burrial and resurrection of Christ and at the same time our death to sin and resurrection as a new person in Christ.
This is a moment for me that is very special as I still remember my baptism three and a half years ago and even a greater moment of my son Harrisons baptism the weekend before I left to come here to Afghanistan. With mine a affirmed my saving Faith in Christ and the Good Work that had begun in my heart by Him. With my sons baptism I saw the saving Faith of my son and then healing work the Lord had begun in my family. I knew that my son would now be assured not to walk the same path I had walked for so many years. I know he will be guided by the Spirit and have hope in the Lord.
I also recall the Baptism of my wife Catherine. The renewed Faith that she had gained by the answering of her prayers of so many years. She had held our family together through her strength and faith and in one terrible moment in our lives, when she could have done like so many others chose to do, she saw Gods glory in her life. I wept as I watched her baptism, our family united under Christ Jesus.
I look forward to my beutiful daughter Anna's baptism. I look forward to her wonderful love of the Lord and her wisdom of His Word coming together in a spirtually mature young woman. I await the day that she will affirm her already strong faith and have her baptism. On that day the Lords work will be tottally realized in my immediate family. His saving and healing Grace will have manifested itself with the four of us and the rest of our journey will begin.
Yesterday, on a whim I asked my Brother Steve to see if Matt had Wifi at his pool. That it would be cool to see if I could Skype in and watch the Baptisms as they happened 13000 miles away. You see, my Brother Ethan, Sister Linda and their son Steven who are all close to me were being Baptised and I wanted to just rejoice with them.
Ethan, is my Brother and trusted friend. He is one of my accountability partners and I love him dearly. He is a glorious work of the Lord and proof of the miracles of Jesus Christ. ANybody that knows Ethan knows that he has been transformed by the Word and Spirit of God and his Faith in Jesus Christ. Ethan is a warrior and will be truly an asset to His Kingdom. The first time I saw Ethan I was in the bathroom of the Church at the sink and mentioned that I liked his tattoos. Knowing him now he probably thought I was being a smart or something. Who would have thought then that he would be one of my closest friends. (Even though he doesn't write on the Blog)
Linda, a Sister, who has come with her family to be a light for our family and Church. We grow closer to her wonderful family and Catherine and her are becoming even closer. Linda is a woman with a wonderful spirit of joy and always brings warmth to the room. She has recently given herself to Jesus as she also wittnessed tremendous healing in her life and family. Her husband John is also a warm and loving man who came to Christ not too long ago. He now also is a tremendous asset to the community and to Christ.
There son Steven, eleven, on this years youth mission trip also came to the Lord. This warm and outgoing young man, in front of his father answered his call and confessed Jesus as Lord and Savior. What a glorious moment for John to wittness this moment in time. What a testimony for their family. What a glorious moment for Steven.
A the first moments of the Baptism I heard the ring of the Skype, Steve calling me. As I answered I saw the green of the trees and the blue of the pool and the grey of Steves head but I was there, at the pool with all of my Brothers and Sisters. I was there for this wonderful moment when they would publically proclaim their Faith to the World. What a wonderful thing technology, what a glorious thing our our Savior.
Thank you Lord for the building of the Church. Thank you Lord for these special few of the many that were Baptised in your name. Thank you Lord, thank you for my Brothers and Sisters.
I Love You. Thank you for your love of all.
ReplyDeleteI told Steve he should have floated the laptop on a tube in the pool so you could get an up-close look. ;-)
ReplyDeleteThat would have been really cool. Splash vision now on Skype.