Friday, August 27, 2010

New Friends, Discipleship and Small Community

So, I am still in my tent and until late afternoon I was the only one left. All of my old friends gone I was waiting for the finally word from Billeting as to my impending move. I had been told several times by others that I should go to the Camp Manager and complain about being moved. That I hadn't asked for anything since I had been here and that they should just leave me where I was. I thought about it a few times but descided against it as I know that it will work out how God wants it to be.

Late in the day two men showed up on the flight and they weere placed in the tent. I found out when I walked in and woke them up. Both were curled up in little balls freezing. They had been placed in the tent with no sleeping bags or pillows and the AC was still cranking out cold air. One of the men was from Nepal and the other from Southern India. I would come to find out later that the man from Nepal lived in the shadow of Mt Everest and worked as a Sherpa up to Base Camp #2, cool!

When work was completed I returned to the tent and met the two men again. I explained to the men that I stayed in the tent also and that I was there if they needed anything. I also asked if they had blankets or sleeping bags which they did not so I gave them each a part of mine and also turned the temperature up. This is the same Sub contractor for the DFAC so expected that they were not given the proper gear.

I anticpated Chandel coming over that evening to speak about the Gospel but he had not yet arrived. I invited the two new men to come sit, and the one Indian man did, near my bed. I aksed if he could wait one minute while I went to check on my friend. A few minutes later after finding Chandel we returned to my tent and sat with my new tent mate. I introduced Chandel to Jeevan and we begabn to talk about where each was from and our families and such. As I found out they both spoke different languages but each knew Hindi and English which ment we could all communicate easily.

After a few minutes Chandel asked if he could go to the rest room. I know, they are very respectful and sometimes I get surprised by their questions. When Chandel left I began to explain to Jeevan that we were Christians and that I was helping Chandel understand the Bible, that I didn't want him to be offended if I were to say something that was from my Gospel. He responded with a smile and said, "I am a Christian also, may I sit with you?" Of course, how wonderful this is, of course. He then asked if he could get his Bible from his things. When Chandel returned, I stated to him that Jeevan was also a Christian and would join us.

We spent the evening talking, the three of us, and I answered questions as they arrose from both men. I started by reading John 3:16 and inserting Chandels name into the text. Chandel is still struggling a little with his past thoughts of enlightenment through knowledge. As I read this verse I emphasised Love and finishing by drawing similarities of his life with his father and now his children. I explained that God loved Him and that through His faith in Jesus Christ God gave him the gift of Salvation. Love and faith, not love and knowledge or Love and works. Love and Faith in Jesus Christ.

On several occasions we were visted by other men. Abu and a new friend of his sat for a while with us. B.K. and another of the DFAC workers came by to say hello to me as us others sat with our Bibles on our lap. These were all men who were my friends. Men from other Nations and Religions who came because we we all friends. In a small way I knew this was wittness to them all and it would help water the seeds of change in the hearts.

I also read the story of Sauls coversion in Acts 7 and 9. I stopped frequently to answer their questions or explain the text. There is power in this conversion and I used this to illustrate to Chandel that he was blind like Saul, and through Roberts wittness, as Aneneas to Saul, he was made to see. I also showed him now how God may use him as a wittness to his family and friends when he returns home. The whole time Jeevan sat and also listened intently. He used lots of hand jestures to in essence play out the words. He would cover his heart or lift his hands. Sometimes even giving a small hand clap as I excentuated a point. It was a very nice addition to the discussion.

Now towards the end of our talks the first man Javin came back to where we were. I asked him about himself and where he was from. He is the man that lives in the Shadow of Mt. Everest and is the Sherpa. A very small man and not more than 100 pounds. We spoke for a few minutes and I asked him if he would sit with us. In the same way I had done with Jeevan I stated to him that we were discussing our Gospel and that we were just about to pray. He shook his head. I asked if he would stay with us as we did and again he nodded.

I prayed for us all, individually I prayed a blessing on the men. I prayed for our families and our hearts. I prayed the Spirits continued work in our fellowship. I thank the lord for each man and that he continue to bring us together. When I finished, Javin sat with his head down and his hands folded. As he finished he smiled.

I hugged each man and blessed them again as they left. Chandel, like clockwork asked again if I could get him into the bed next to me. We all said good night and went to bed.

I thought as I layed in bed, what a wonderful evening it had been. The Lord had taken away the men that I had come to know in my tent and brought new men, Christians, to the tent. Also that through a simple invitation to two men on two occasions, we we able to have Discipleship and Fellowship that evening.

The idea of small community also came to mind. This is what Frank had preached and I believed in when I was back home. Small community, fellowship and discipleship. We were not in a Church, we were not having some formal meeting. We were living, and eating and speaking with one another about the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Here I sat with three men, one brand new Christian, one who knows what, and one other Chritian and we were ok. What I have here, in this land, what I had with the other tent mates was Small Community. It is amazing.

I believe in our busy lives, in our lives that keep us segregated from those around us unless we chose differently, we need to find ways to have this small community. We need to move past the walls and fences and the distance and beleiev that we can find ways to be one body in all things. I am thankful for what the Lord revealed yesterday.

Lord I pray for these men and the others here that can come together in your name. I pray for our hearts to span the gaps and come closer because of your love. I also pray for those that read this and begin to move outside of their box and further into small community. I pray that your word flourish in all of us.

1 comment:

  1. "Outside of their box..."

    I can't change the font size but if I could, I would make this a 40 point "AMEN!"

    God bless
