Monday, September 13, 2010

Seek the Unseen Things First

2 Corinthians 4:18 - Do not focus on what is seen, but on what is unseen; for what is seen is temporary and what is unseen is eternal.

Ever since I have been in Afghanistan I have remained committed to speaking with my accountability group every week. It is a very important part of my week and a way that I feel as if I can stay in touch with my life back home. These four other men are men that I have relied opon very heavily when I was home and now that I am here.

Today we spoke alot about our reliance on others in our lives as Christians. How important are the people in our lives verses the relationship with Christ. Basically, what do we put our assurance in and where to we get our Spiritual filling from. It was a good discussion that lasted the better part of an hour.

As I started my day, I was reading Utmost for His highest and todays verse was 2 Corinthians 4:2. I grabbed my Bible and turned to this passgae and began to read, and went right past it. What caught my eye was the the last passage 4:18, Focus on what is unseen, for what is seen in temporay and what is unseen is eternal. It was interesting to me that I was at this passage after having the conversation with my group. Focus on what is unseen, for it is eternal. Focus on Christ Jesus as that is eternal.

I believe that we need fellow believers around us. We need to be in fellowship with those that also follow Christ so that we can build into each other. We need to have opportunity to pour ourselves out to others in the Love of Christ Jesus so that the Church may grow and flourish. But this can not be our primary focus, it must be on God.

As Jesus shows us He set his ministry squarley focussed on what His Father had set before Him. He continually sought to do the will of God and to fullfill what He had planned for Him. Jesus invited the Disciples to follow Him. He poured into them. He even asked them to be with Him in times of stress or need. But ultimately He sought the Father in all things first, and those around Him benefited from that relationship.

I more and more see that of myself here. I am so uplifted by the outpouring around me and by the things I am able to give others. I look forward to speaking to those who are close to me but I more look forward to the Spirit in my life. To the Lord providing everything I need to make it through each day, for providing enough living water that I can spill it over to the others here.

Ultimately this is where we as Christians need to be, seeking the unseen first for it is eternal, seeking God and not the seen, the things of this world. We need to have those around us that we can pour out to, that we can give the abundance of God to. We need to be available to the others to do the same. If we rely soley on the things seen then we will be disapointed at the results.

In the end Jesus said "It is Finished". He had completed what God laid out to Him. He had prepared His Disciples and His Ministry had fullfilled its purpose. Only when we seek the unseen, the heavenly things first will we be in the place where God can use us most.

Love thy nieghbor. Fellowship with beilievers. Build the Church. Do these things as an outpouring of the Spirit from within you, but seek God first and draw your strength from Him.

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