Saturday, September 11, 2010

Pictures from yesterday as promised.

Asyou may have read yeaterday I was invited by the Muslim DynCorp workers to go with them for their celebration of Eid, the end of Ramadon, at the Afghan Army Compound yesterday. I was able to sit and observe their prayer time and it was a once in a lifetime experience.

I could not resist the opportunity to take this picture of the Cross. It is from the grout lines between the tiles in the Prayer Hall. I took this just before they finished with their prayers as I kneeled in the back watching.

It was quiet pioniant as I was also praying during this time and to have a Cross to look at during it was nice.

A note that many of these buildings that are being used were built by the Russians when they were here. The Afghans use them from everything formBarracks to kitchens now.

Here are several of the DynCorp employees along with the Afghan man who helped arranged for them to come over and participate with the Afghans.
Abu is on the left, then the Afghan man, followed by Mohammad and then some of the others.

I was able to take this picture of the main room before any Afghan Soldiers came. These are the DynCorp employees preparing for the day. You can see that this room is carpeted and the lines are oriented to the East.
The men sit along these lines shoulder to shoulder. Withing a half hour of this, this room was packed full and I moved to the adjacent room with Abu.

Here is a picture of the men with one of the Afghan Officers after the prayer. He is the one in the center with the Camo and long beard. He is also the one who came and shook my hand and then hugged me.

This is the shot I showed yesterday with all of the guys outside of the Prayer Hall. You can doubleclick on any of these shots to enlarge them. I am the guy in the middle with the red shirt.

This is Abu with the Afghan Officer. Abu is the one who stayed with me the entire time in case something happened.
This was some day for me, one I will not forget. It was a little risky as it could have gone bad but I believe that I was meant to see this and have it to draw opon in my future.
As you walk, walk in Faith that the Lord will see you through the circumstances He places you in.
God Bless.

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