Sunday, September 5, 2010

Guest to Church.

Yesterday morning, just after writing my Blog, I walked from my desk in my tent Jeevin was sitting on his bed just returning from his shower. He and Nevin, and my other roomate all work nights now and get off work at 0800. I stopped to say hello and ask how his evening at work was and as useually a warm smile came to his face as he said good. Jeevin, is the young man from India who is a Baptist along with his parents and grandmother.

He is so warm as he speaks English but many times just expresses himself with smiles and head nods along with the most sicerere hands gestures, if I can say that. He will touch his heart as you speak of Jesus's Love or cross his arms around his chest, as if hugging, when you speak of God accepting you. It is very nice to watch.

I descided to sit and asked him if we could pray together to which he is always agreeable to. He had told me a day or two ago that he never thought that he would have other Christians here so he was very excited to have someone to pray with and speak to. As we began, Nevin entered the tent and came over to us. Nevin is the Nepaleese man who is just ever so slight, not more than 100 pounds, that lives near Mt. Everest. He has, in a way, a very childlike quality about him. Very pleasent with a high voice and a demeener that is very happy. We sat together onthe two adjacent beds and I prayed.

As we talked after I asked Nevin about his religion if he were Christian as he had now prayed with us twice since he was here. He said no that he was Hindu, that most people he knew were Hindu, but that he has seen a lot of other people that are Christians and that they were always happy. That in fact many Hindus were becoming Christians and that he wanted to know about it. So I began to speak with him a little about this and focussed alot on trying to keep it as a general conversation but at the same time knew that it was an opportunity to wittness. Of cose what I spoke of Jeevan, worked his majic with his hands and smile excentuating the conversation.

Within just a few minutes the third man, Raga, came in from his shower. He is actually the last of the orginal tent mates whom I think they had forgotten about. He also is from India and is a Hindu. He sat behind me and for a while I didn't realize that he had sat and was listening to our conversation. He then spoke regarding the language in India and I then realized that he had been there. I turned and we all four continued to talk. Did you know that there are 152 or so dialecs in India and that somone from the south may not speak the language fromthat of the north. They because of this use Hindi as the National language and English as a third if needed.

As we concluded a few minutes later Nevin, asked about church. He wanted to know if tomorrow was Sunday and if he could come to the Church with me and Jeevin. Of cource I said, any time. He asked if it would be ok again and I realized he thought of maybe some rule that may prohibit him because he was Hindu. I then spoke of the Holy Spirit and how we are the body of the Church, that Church happened where ever we sit and fellowship as believers. I said even now we having Church, Jeevan and us, as we sat. They were happy for this.

At the end of this both Navin and Raga asked then if I could bring them to the Church. Today each has affirmed that that still would like to come and that I was to wake them before 1100 so that they could be ready. I pray now that the Spirit work in their hearts and through me, that I can continue to be a good wittness and that each mans heart is softened to hear his voice.

Please also pray for there hearing of the the Truth and the acceptenance as Jesus as Lord and Savior. Praise God.

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