Monday, September 20, 2010

Phillipians 4:9

Phillipians 4:9, Whatever you have leard, or recieved, or heard from me, or seen in me put it into practice. Not only is this a statment to the students but it is also an obligation to the teacher to adequately and appropriately teach the student.

As Robert read another verse from Phillipians during our Prayer meeting last night this verse caught my attention. That is probably why I don't know which verse Robert read, however I focussed on this one. I began to think of how this applies to so many things in our life. Discipleship, as Paul is writing, parenting, work, coaching, whatever it may be this obligation stands true for us.

The obligation on the teacher is to teach what is correct, to give information and knowledge that is consistant and true. To understand that what you give will be recieved by the student the way you gave it to them. If you teach it incorecctly, if you decieve the recipient then you are not fullfilling your obligations as a teacher. Bad teacher will lead to wrong answers and a lack of basic knowledge of the subject.

As a Coach the obligation is quiet the same, you are to teach the skills necessary for the game to be played correctly. Your knowledge gained from years of experience becomes important. This though can be a little different because in a way, your actions, the procedures and skills that you have are what are transfered to the student. A Coach then can transfer knowledge from more practical experience from their life. In more ways then with the Tacher the Coach becomes an examle of what is taught. Bad Coaching will lead to bad inadequate performance.

As a Parent, all things that we do become important. We must teach our children by our action and inactions, our words and lack of words also. We are constantly teaching through everything we do. Our children become like us in so many ways, we model the people they will become more so than any teacher or coach ever will. The responsibility is great as the consequences of the wrong teacher can be detrimental and cause a lifetime of struggle and pain.

I reflected opon my life and understand how important this verse can be. I have seen the pain that my poor parenting caused in my life. I have seen how my behaviors and actions when modeled have become struggles in a childs life. I have also seen how the things that I have done correctly have become areas in which bring them joy.

Discipleship is very much all of these things put together into one area. We are to Disciple with the love of Chrsit, as with the parent and the children. We are to teach truth to the students so that their information is not false and misleading. We are to be as the Coach and correct behavior that is not consistant with the way it should be done. We are to model ourselves correctly because of the consequences our wrong actions may have in the Disciples life. Everything becomes important to the final outcome, the final goal.

The Bible gives warning to those that teach falsely, or causes others to stumble. This is the word of God stating that the consequences will be eternal if we lead someone in the wrong direction knowingly. Therefore if you know what is good and correct yet you do something differently the responsibility is on your head, you will stand in judgement.

I beleive Paul spoke with confidence when he wrote this verse. Whatever you have learned, or recieved, or heard, from me, or seen in me, put into practice. He was confident in what he was teaching and modeling to others. He knew that his heart was correct and following Jesus Christ as he states, "or seen in me", His love, His thoughts, His grace. Not Pauls own, but that of Jesus Christ that was in Him. He followed His teachers example and taught that example to others in His life.

Paul ends this verse with the reason why this is so important, that "Gods peace will be with you". It makes sense, that if we teach as God would have us teach, with truth of the Gospel and with a pure heart. If we do not cause anyone to stumble, and we allow our actions to reflect our words and if they see in us Jesus Christ, and know His love through us then Gods peace will be with us. Gods peace will be with those we teach.

Can we say the same thing with confidence? Can we look back on the lives that we have spoken into, taught, coached or discipled and know with the same confidence that it was correct. Can we say to these people that if they put into practice what we have should them through our lives that Gods peace will be with them.

It is a hard question, but it is also a necessary self evaluation because if the answer is no then you have more work to do. If you see areas which need improvement then you must move towards that improvement. You must as we are all teachers and coaches and parents in some way all the time.

Lord, continue to allow us to learn and grown in your way. Bring us to the areas of our lives and have us examine them and test them and change them if they are not good. Allow us to put into practice also what you have taught us, the truth of your word so that others may then use us as example and do the same. Give us the confidence of our walk to invite others to follow you.

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