Thursday, September 23, 2010

Another Trip To Kandahar

Mixed feelings on this one! I will have to travel down to Kandahar this weekend to make arrangements to move some cargo out of there. It will be exciting in one way because it is something new for me, which is always good, but in another Kandarhar is a pit. A black hole that once you get into it takes a lot of effort to get out.

You may recall the last two times I was there, when I moved to Shindand from Leatherneck and the more recently when I went to get my CAC Card. Both times it was almost a week before I was able to get out. Just so much activity in and out of, cancellations, changes, weather, anything that will go wrong will go wrong.

The other thing about KAF is that it just has the very weird vibe about it. As soon as you land you just get this feeling that something bad is going on around you. It feels evil to be honest with you. Hecktict, disorganized, busy, all things to keep you unfocussed on anything. I am sure if you were to look from high enough it would look like an ant hill. Everybody doing their jobs but just very random order.

KAF has also been getting hit everyday by rockets. It is just a hudge dense target for the Taliban. Not difficult to spot from afar. Large so that it is easy to hit. Mountains just the right range away and add good cover for the set up men. A few weeks ago a rocket hit the CHU's in which Dyn Employees stay and destroyed a few of them. Luckily it was lunch time and nobody was in them.

It is strange sometimes to think about this war and this country, even the work that I do. You are here assisting the Military do their jobs. You here shooting and bombs go off around you, but the Contractors just do their work as if it was any other office environment. Bombs and rockets are part of the discussions in almost a way that is the same if you spoke about Big Brother at the water cooler. Today as a matter of fact, while walking to breakfast a mortor was shot over the camp and landed near the flight line. Stopped for a second, said to the guy next to me that it sounded funny and continued walking. Strange in my mind, strange that we just don't see the danger.

So I will travel to KAF, fall into the pit and try to keep my head above it all but low enough not to get killed by a rocket. I will rely on the Lord as I have done since I have arrived. For I know in my heart that HE will see me through all of this. I ask always that his will be done in my life. This carries me through the delays, the changes, the hectictness and the rockets . There is nothing really that I can do to make anything any different then what God has already ordained to happen. There is no worry that will add a day to my life. I can only find my way to Glorify Him in all things that happen.

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