Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Matthew 7:24-25

"Therefore evryone who hears these words of mine and puts them into practice is like a wise man who built his house on the rock. The rain came down, the streams rose, and the winds blew and beat against that house; yet it did not fall, because it had its foundation on the rock".

So it has been raining around me lately, the water has been rising and the winds blowing and beating against my house. I have been locked inside just looking out wondering how long it will last. Sometimes I have looked as close as the window and only seen the drops of water running down to the sill. Other times I have looked out at the trees, swaying back and forth, looking as if they were to break. In the midst, of the storm I looked at the clouds swirling around endless as they rolled in over the entire landscape. When I was at the lowest, I stepped back from the window and just looked at my house, wondering about it's construction.

It can be a lonely place in a house alone during a storm. Noises and shadows that you just didn't know existed, you only see them when the lightening cracks. Becoming afraid of the thunder as it surprises you with its closeness. you are protected by the house that sorounds you, but the sense of vulnerability still remains. What if?

We look at the roof and the walls, they are protecting us. We see that the doors are locked so nothing can come in. All the lights are on so we can see in the darkness, we fear however that they should go out. Darkness holds evil, and we all fear this darkness.

How often do we look, in the midst of the strom at the foundation of the house. How often do we go to the basement and check out the concrete, ponder what is below it? This however is just as important as the rest of the house. We can trust the windows and doors, the roof and siding, but if the foundation fails it all comes crashing down around us.

I have very dilligently moved from the window that I was looking out after Thanksgiving and moved to a place to examine my fpoundation. What I have found is that it is solid, built with care, and trustworthy. I went back to the basics of my faith and am becoming less focussed on the storm and more aon the strength of my house.

I have moved back to prayer, speaking with the builder of the house about the building. I have inquired as to the materials that he has used. The tools of His trade. The methods that He has built on, the Psalms. Using His language to relate and understand Him. This has giving me understand of His workmanship in my house.

I have examined the other materials which were visible to me. The lumber and nails, the design of it all. How the joints fit together and become one. I have looked at the beams and how they cary the weight, transferring pressure from one place to another allowing it to be disperssed evenly throught the structure. I have sought the fellowship of other Christians, Catherine, Brett and Richard.

I have seen the beuty of the entire building, the importance of each part as the whole. Eveything serving the pupose for which it was designed. I only saw this as I stepped back from the window and looked into each area. From this I know that I am secure, I know that am I built on the foundation of the Cross. The salvation that is offered by the attoning death of Jesus Christ. He is my foundation and because I can trust in that I can weather any of these storms. When I focus soely on the cross, albeit my house be battered, I will continue to stand.

Lord Jesus, thank you for moving me away from the window and away from focussing on the storm. Thank you for allowing me time to see the beuty of the house you built from the inside out instead of the outside in. Thank you for the craftsmenship that you have used on me and that which you offer all men. You are my Lord and Savior, my rock in which I am built upon and that rock will not be shaken.

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