Friday, December 10, 2010

2 Thessalonians 2:10

"They perish because they refused to love the truth and so be saved". 2 Thessalonians 2:10

Straight for ward and simple. Not my words but Gods words through the Apostle Paul. Paul was good at not parcing his words and today, again, hopefully neither will I. I actually love these type of verses for their simplicity.
"They perish", die, have eternal damnation. This is not a place to be, regardless of how much fun you think it may be due to your worldly view of things, you won't want this to happen. Don't fall into the trap of thinking hell may be ok. I know, how silly, nobody thinks they will go to Hell when they die, everyone is heaven bound due to thier "goodness".
Now if you were God, the Creator of everything, you have made the most wonderful place that anybody can imagine. Where we can fellowship with Him for the rest of eternity. Where everything that should have been perfect is made perfect. Then don't you think that Hell would be tottaly the opposite? Hell will be the most horrible thing that the Creator could imagine. Nothing perfect, nothing good, emotions of the most incredibly aweful way. Anything that you have hated and avioded in your life just their in your face. With all of this you will have eternal seperation from the God who you now know truly exists and His Son Jesus Christ who died for you. Thats Hell.
"Because they refused" or made and active choice to not accept. They, or you, know what you should do but don't. This is the opposite of repentance which is turning from your sin, this is actively engauging in it even when you know you are wrong. Granted, bad people think they are doing good, justifing themselves but God has alowed all men to inherently know Him and be without excuse. So move away from the excuses and move towards justifing youself under Gods standards, then you will be on the right track. But most will just continue to refuse, like I did, some until it is too late.
"Love", set it into your heart. Make it part of your being. Work every conscience minute in active pursuit of it. We have all heard what love is, and that is what this love will do for you. It must consume your thoughts more so then your love for football, or cars, or hunting, or alcohol or sex. It must become number one in your heart, where by the way God looks and the Spirit will maybe dwell one day.
"The Truth." There can only be one Truth, one way that is right and good and proper. Without fail it will be the standard and the guiding light. There can not be two truths about the same thing that at there core are opposite or contradict themselves. We say we believe in God, but we refuse His Truth. We hit our point of pain so we then interject our own truth. We want honesty from everyone but have dishonesty in our hearts caused by this refusal of Truth.
"And be saved", rescued from death or harm, brought out of danger. We are in a position where this is eminent. From the fall we have become sinners and therefore if we do nothing the outcome is determined. We are in essence are dead, and only have one way out.
"They perish because they refused to love the truth an so be saved". You will die, eternal death, because you made an active choice to not change and place in your heart the truth in which will save you from your eternal damnation in Hell. You will be the cause of this for the simple fact that you refused the truth. This truth is God's Word. The Truth is Jesus Christ. You must either accept the truth or accept your destiny.
Holy Spirit move into the empty space of the heart, of those who refuse to love your Truth. Allow these words, your words, to convict them of their ways and that they are now in death and need to be saved from that death. Speak to them that the only way is to Love Jesus Christ and accept Him as their Truth.

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