Friday, December 24, 2010

Christmas Eve.

I have thought long and hard today about what to write for this Christmas Eve and have drawn a blank for the most part. I began to write another Blog and decided just to save it and move on. The thought that keeps coming to mind is, just wish everyone a Merry Christmas. So here you are..

Merry Christmas Catherine, Harrison and Anna, my wonderful and supportive family.
Merry Christmas Mom and Dad. Thank you also for your tremendous support.
Merry Christmas Gail and Joe. You are so very special to me and I thank you for everything.
Merry Christmas to Brian, Cheryl, and Jeff.
Merry Christmas Lisa, Paul and Barbra.
Merry Christmas Frank and Susan.
Merry Christmas Ethan, Steve Chris and Gary.
Merry Christmas Tony.
Merry Christmas Rosanne
Merry Christmas to all of you at BCC whom I miss so dearly.
Merry Christmas to all of my other relatives and friends.

Remember all, that tomorrow our Savior was born. He came as a man to live among us and to know us. He later died to save us all. Give thanks to Him who will or has saved you.

And to all, a good night!
