Friday, December 17, 2010

The Half Way Mark

I would like to start off by saying that today is my wife Catherines Birthday. I would like to wish her all the best for this day. I used to miss alot of occasions such as this because I just didn't care enough to make it important. Today, I would do anything to be with her to help celebrate the occasion and I can't. So the most I can do for you Catherine is think of you, our love and give thanks to the Lord for both. Happy Birthday.
I have made it! Half way through my contract in Afghanistan. As much to go as I have completed. Hump day. I have made it to the Wednesday of my year here and am looking forward to the weeked. You get the picture I think. I have come to a point where I look to the completion of this all.

I was pondering what visual to use for the Blog. The mountain top seemed most appropriate at first. I have climbed to the top and now it is all down from here. That was the first thought but what about all the things that I have experienced? What about all that may come? I don't want to necessarily think of this at this point as I am at the peak of this adventure. That the best is right now. Its all down hill from here is determined from perspective.

Maybe I have gone into a Valley. I have started at a point where I was full of zeal and expectation for what the Lord was doing. I was walking tall and was being a Super Missionary and as time has gone on I have weakend. Maybe I am where I am now because I have run out of motivation and steam. Being in the valley has it benefits, protection and fruit, green pasture and water. But I may still need to climb out the other side. I can't see that far ahead.

The Valley may even be a time for me to strengthen my walk with the Lord. I am contemplating taking a CHU instead of the tent. I am praying for the Lord to lead me, to let me know if I have learned what He had me learn about Small Community and Discipleship. Is now the time for me to prepare for my return home and the rest of my service to Him? He knows, I guess.

Maybe this walk is just that, just what it has been. Some ups and downs, highs and lows. Sometimes I have been in the forest sorounded by the beuty and abundance of the trees and other times in the desert with nothing but what I cary myself. The walk, the journey may just continue along in that manner until the end.

I guess, as I reflect there are so many things that I have seen and done. There are so many blessing and trails that I have had. There are so many emotional states that I and my family have been through that I just can't see what the journey truly has been, uphill or down, straight or windy. I also can't speculate what it will end up to be. I do know that all things God works together for the good for those that love Him and in that I must trust. In God I must lay my Hope.

So in closing, first pray for Catherine for her Birthday. That it will, even though it may be difficult, bring blessing to her in some way. Second, that my family continues to walk in strength and hope and that we know that this is all for the Lord. Lastly for me, that I can continue to endure and walk through this journey with my eyes only focussed on the things of Heaven and not on the path ahead.

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