Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Words to His Song

I started a new book yesterday and I am hoping to get it done before I return home.  It is Fire and Rain, The Wild-Hearted Faith of Elijah by Ray Pritchard.  So far I am enjoying the book as it has kept my interest well.  Today there were two things from  the book that he wrote that I want to share with you.  I also have a selfish purpose for sharing as I liked these two items so much and by putting them in my Blog I will be able to find them again one day.

The first was this, and maybe you have heard this before, as a matter of fact you you read your Bible I will almost guarentee that you have.  I will paraphrase the books thoughts down to a simple phrase, the power is not in me, but the Word of God.  Yes see I know you know that, probably from this; faith comes from hearing, the hearing of Gods Word,  but today I stopped and thought about this for a while.

How many times to I depend on myself to go out and speak to another person about my faith?  Why do I get nervous at times and don't speak all the truth that I know should be spoken?  Why so many times do I just not say anything at all?  Because I am depending on my words instead of His Word.  See I am, we are insignificant to what truly will happen when someone hears, really hears, Gods Word.  We are just the vehicle, the agent, the means of delivery of the Powerful Truth.  Everything past that point is between God and the hearer.

But I put so much emphasis on my own abilities.  I stop because of fear, I hesitate and think what is the best way to deliver this message.  What does this person really need to hear right now?  All these things are things that tell me that I haven't tottally put in my heart that Gos is all poerful and His Word is absolute Truth and therefore perfect in its form.  I don't trust Him enough to just let go and speak.  Don't get me wrong, I know that my faith must persevere and grow stronger everyday, but I think that trust must come first and be the strongest before any other part of my faith will grow. 

Well now that I am writing this I sit and think about something that should be said but I don't know if it has before.  In that I must trust God  and write it now or I would be hypocritical in the words that I write to you.  So here goes, Mom and Dad, I love you very much and I don't want to see you perish because you did not  know Jesus Christ.  I know these are not spoken words and maybe that would be best but for now this is the way I will open the dialogue.  Jesus is the way, the truth and the life and no one gets to the Father except through Him.  You must know that in your heart and profess it with your mouth so that you may be saved.  I want to know that you are saved before it is to late.

Also to be quite frank with all, I love my parents very much and nothing in this world would make me happier then to see them saved.  It is however difficult and sometimes uncomfortable to have conversations of faith with someone who is so close to you which is very strange because you would think that with them it would be easiest.  I guess this is the same reason why Jesus stayed away from His home and also for a while His brothers and sisters did not follow Him.  I trust in His word now in thier hearts.

The second point, if you know me, is unusual for me to understand as I am not musically inclined.  This comes from John Ruskin who wrote:

"There is no music in rest, but there is the making of music in it. In our whole life melody, the music is broken off here and there by "rest," and we foolishly think we have come to an end of time. God sends time of forced liesure - sickness, disapointed plans, frustrated efforts - and makes a sudden pause in the choral hymn of our lives..."

Like I said I am not musically inclined but I get that!  Iunderstand that in music there are parts where the music stops for a period of time.  The sweatness of it is gone but then it comes back again.  It returns and the silence is broken by the beat and the rythym and the sound.  So in my walk there is going to be time when the Lord just places a rest into it.  The time will be kept and the music will start again but for this moment just a rest.  It is part of the music and needed, not forgotten or worthless.  It helps in the creation of the song.  I just loved thinking about my life in this way.

So the two take aways, first we are always in the music that God has written even if at some points there are rests, it all matters and His Word is what we must go forth and bring to all the Nations, not my words or myself.  We are the vehicle that God will use to do what He needs done.

Lord Jesus, may these words be used by you in the song that you have written today.  May I enjoy every moment that you give me be it in rest or business.  May I trust you more as you command my life.  May my parents and others know and love you in their lives.  Amen.

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