Saturday, May 21, 2011

Little Gods of Compromise.

I hate those who cling to worthless idols; as for me, I trust in the LORD.

Psalm 31:5-7

"Little gods of compromise."

I have kept several loose notes in my Bible over this past year.  They are generally things that I have thought about or heard, sometimes open questions to myself to induce thought, things of that nature.  Today as I flipped to Romans 11 as part of my daily devotional reading, one of these notes fell out.  "Little gods of compromise" was written on it.  I almost think I have written a Blog about this before, but I will not at this point go back and look, today another one.

This phrase, given to me in a Sermon from Chaplin Johnson, I believe, should induce thoughts to both believers and non believers alike.  Everyone, yes everyone, will have somewhere in their lives the little gods of compromise.  What are they?  The things that you hold in your heart as dear, that ultimately keep you from the glory of God, as you make them more important then God.  In essence they are idols, either actual or mental that you place high importance on, that guide you in specific ways and actions in your life.

For me, several years ago alcohol could have been considered one.  I began to think of my return home each day, if I had Vodka or not, and having that first drink.  I think now-adays I rely enjoy my time at noon reading and smoking my pipe.  I look forward to it everyday.  This more recent activity does not hold me from God but certainly the alochol contributed to it in the past. 

How about others, sports perhaps?  How intent is the family on the competeing and attending all sports events, even the ones that may fall on Sunday?  One that I have seen and that can cause other issues, school work.  Maybe not so much for kids but definately for some parents.  We can have a child that excels at something other then school work but place such a high value on grades that we create an idol of it. 

Little gods, such as vanity, weath, status, recognition, ackolades from others you name it and if it becomes a prime motivator in your life or a portion of your life then it must be addressed.  For believers the standars become slightly different, does it come before God or cause you to be motivated by something rather then what God would have?  This is the assement that should be made.

In all things we are to Glorify God.  Trust me non believers, if you use this standard also your life will be better.  Anyway, all things Glorify God.  Take these little gods and adjust them or eliminate them so that they are not taking away from your relationship with Him. Adjust them so they are done so others notice.  Adjust or eliminate them so that if they are not done for His glory that you find away that they are.  Don't compromise on it, allow your althetics to be honoring to Him.  Let people know that you are thankful for the gifts that He has given you.  Show that you are first devoted to God, before you are devoted to anything else.

As Psalm 31:5-7 says, I hate those who cling to worthless idols; as for me, I trust in the LORD.  This should be how all of us are, hate he things that become controlling, outside of what should be our control.  Non beleievers, even you have things that control, you haven't placed the ultimate importance on the Lord but none the less you have things that control and therefore your motivations or not as "good" as you may think they are.  You may also have sin that is going unrecognized or at least unconfessed in your life. You may also just be simply putting undue pressure on a child for a standard that they just aren't going to meet.

Whatever side you are on, with the Lord or without, you must look at where your heart is, what it is that is motivating you.  What is causing you compromise?  What is the little god or the idol in your life?  What you identify needs to be changed.

Lord Jesus, help me be convicted of the little gods in my life, be it pride or a habit that I have become dependant on, for others show them what they are.  Then Lord guide us to change, to become what you want us to be, to have that relationship with you without anything between us.  Amen.

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